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Head Administrator

Posts : 42
Join date : 2011-08-07

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2011 6:40 am

Welcome to the Combine Civil Authority Applications. This is where you can apply to become a CCA/MPF Unit. You have an unlimited amount of attempts to recieve a CCA/MPF Unit.
It is worthwhile watching the current CCA Units so that you can learn from them and gain experience to become a CCA Unit.

These applications will be checked on Wednesdays and Saturdays by either Kotov, Subject or Inafinus

Out-Of-Character information.

Steam Name :
Steam ID :
Current Characters :

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.

In-Character information

First Name :
Middle Name(s) :
Second Name :

Civil Identity Number :
Age (In years) :

Hair colour :
Eye colour :
Height :
Gender :

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y ( ) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y ( ) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y ( ) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y ( ) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed __________________

Last edited by Kotov on Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-08-18

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: MPF Application   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeThu Aug 18, 2011 8:53 am

Out-Of-Character information.

Steam Name : GTbrawlers
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:19886998
Current Characters : James Taylor / John Payne

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted.
Yes, Iv been CCA or related jobs on 3 other servers.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.
While walking down the streets of City 18 /me Heard noises coming from the nearby apartments. /me changed my walking pace to a quick jog and entered the building.
Upon entering the building /me heard 2 sets of feet on the above floor. /me Quickly takes cover behind an nearby vending machine and uses it to hide.
As the 2 men walked down the stairs /me Tipped the vending machine.
/it tipped infont of the men scaring them to scramble to safety. During the confusion /me Was able to stun one of them men and scare the other person back into
and adjasent apartment. /me Ziptied the unconscious criminal and proceeded to presue the other person. Upon arriving at the apartment door /me called for a backup unit
to help infiltrate the room. /me opened the door slowly. /it creeked making the criminals inside awaring of my presence.
The criminal insdie shot his gun at the door. /me was now alerted that the criminal inside was armed with small firearms.
/me tore the front panel from the vending machine and used it as a makeshift riot shield. /it sparked as i ripped it from its hinges.
The backup officer kicked the apartment door off its hinges and used a flash grenade to daze the occupant.
/me rushed the vending machine door through the doorway and threw it at the dazed occupant. He fell unconscious.
/me Tied the occupant up and dragging him to his accomplis. /me and the backup unit transported the 2 criminals back to the nexus.
Upon entering the nexus /me detained both criminals in seperate cells for grade 3 contraband and attempting to kill officers among other offences.
After 1 cycle had past, /me escorted one of the detainees for interogation. /me gained info on a dealer near the slums / plaza area supplying
citizens and rebels with equipment. /me dragged the detainee back and left him for 1 more cycle. After getting more info from the other detainee,
/me and two other sword officers decided to investigate our lead which took us to the terminal cinema. Upon entering /me spotted 2 people doing drugs
near the stage and a man with a backpack which seemed to contain contraband. The 2 other officers sharply detained 1 man as the other dropped his backpack
and ran for the exit. /me chased the man and disarmed him in a kick. The man fell 2 feet to his face and recieved minor injuries. After transporting the 2 people
back to the nexus /me detained the 2 people for grade 3 crimes and let the other sword members handle interogation. /Me was moved up to shield devision but
continued patrols on the street. 2 Cycles later /me still hadnt noticed any crimes and was relieved to have 4 criminals off the street.
After long patrols my service was recognised and i was granted a firearm on the job and PE flags. This allowed me to then further my performance by setting up a checkpoint
outside of the nexus area to help reduce the guns getting into the city. After 2 sweeps we had the major renegade leader in detention leaving his minions free.

In-Character information

First Name : John
Middle Name(s) :
Second Name : Payne

Civil Identity Number : #25843
Age (In years) : 27

Hair colour : Black
Eye colour : Blue
Height : 6FT 0"
Gender : Male

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.
Before the Universal union Ruled earth i was a fitness instructer at the local police academy, training Tokyo City's Finest. I had a good life no wife or kids. Graduated from university with a PhD
in Chemistry And Physical Fitness. Now my life has took a turn for the better. Im a civil servant, I live to better the combine forces with my personal aid by joining them. I Was moved from City 12 when i was 21 To city 18 and have spent 6 years of my life here admiring and respecting the local metro force and that above them.

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y ( ) N (/)
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (/) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (/) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (/) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed John Payne

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Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-08-19

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Carl Mathews Application Form.   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeFri Aug 19, 2011 8:41 pm

Out-Of-Character information.

Steam Name : Pharius
Steam ID : 0:1:30043299
Current Characters : Carl Mathews, Hannah Clouds and Martha Woods.

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience?: I do have some previous CCA experience on another HL2RP server. It was the Gmod.biZ HL2RP server, It is still up. I served as MPF.45-NOVA.02.15968 on the server, the divisions were completely different from this servers divisions. But Im sure I will adapt, Im a very serious RP'er. My division was incharge of breaching and searching buildings, I was specially trained for this division. We also all received detailed training on patroling and dealing with anti-citizens.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines.:
(Set the scene: CCA-SWORD.03.28435 and CCA-CASTLE.EpU.12232 are patrolling the area around the trainstation.)
** The 03 notices a citizen running across the trainstation to the nearby shop.
SWORD.03 ::> Hold it right there!
** The citizen carries on running, so the two units run after him, and corner him in an alleyway.
CASTLE.EpU ::> I got suspect one here.
SWORD.03 ::> Citizen, face the wall.
**The citizen faces the wall.
/me SWORD.03 approaches the citizen while the EpU keeps his SMG trained in the suspect.
**Just as the 03 tries to tie the citizen he suddenly resists.
Citizen: /me attempts to pull out a pistol from his jacket.
SWORD.03: /me attempts to stop him.
** The EpU runs over and helps.
Citizen has rolled 77 out of 100.
SWORD.03 has rolled 43 out of 100.
CASTLE.EpU has rolled 87 out of 100.
**The citizen cries out as the EpU grabs his hands and twists them back, tying him.
SWORD.03 ::> Search!
CASTLE.Epu ::> Affirmative.
CASTLE.EpU /me pats the citizen down, retrieving a 9mm pistol and some whiskey.
**The pistol is full of ammunition.
SWORD.03 ::> Shit!
CASTLE.EpU radios in ::> Suspect in trainstation sector, carrying lethal firearms and contraband. Moving him back into the Nexus.
Some other CCA radios in ::> 10-4.
**The EpU turns and nods to the 03, who flicks his stunstick on.
SWORD.03 ::> Suspect prepare to recieve civil judgement!
SWORD.03 /me knocks the citizen out.
CASTLE.EpU ::> Thats it wrap it up.

In-Character information

First Name : Carl
Middle Name(s) : None.
Second Name : Mathews.

Civil Identity Number :24450
Age (In years) : 27

Hair colour : Brown
Eye colour : Blue
Height : 6,1
Gender : Male.

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union: I lived in the outskirts of south-east london with my father. My mother had died when I was born. I worked on a farm with my father, he taught me how to shoot, cook and survive in the wilderness. He taught me basic fighting stances and attacks. We were one day in the fields together planting the seeds. A ship flew over and fired some sort of beam over to London. We saw a massive explosion and we both ran inside, my father took out a double barreled shotgun and ushered me into the basement.
About 2 days later we heard footsteps and radio chatter above us. My father thought it was the police, so he walked upstairs and all I heard was a door opening and gunfire. Then I remember my fathers body sliding down the basement stairs, our benefactors came into the basement and pushed me against the wall, I was quickly searched and put on a transport truck.
I remember the train ride to City 4, in Germany. It was so long and quiet, the train was packed with people. Some eventually started shouting and one even smashed the train glass. When we arrived at the City I was given a CID number and a suitcase. I was also told my apartment number and shown directions were to go. When I arrived at the apartment I was sharing with a man called John Smithers, he was a silent type who didn't like me much. But then again, no one liked anyone back then. About 1 year into my life in City 4, I was used to the schedule. And I became friends with many Priority Citizens and even one or two Civil Protection units. John was killed one month later as the units searched our apartment and found a shotgun under his bed, John attempted to shoot a unit but they just put a bullet in his chest before he got to shoot.
With no roomate and my reputation destroyed in City 4, I applied to be moved to another city. The new installment in Ukraine, City 18. I heard there the units used better security, and they had better firearms. It definatly seemed safer and better there.
When I arrived at City 18 the same thing happened, I was given an apartment number and directions. On the way to my to my new apartment I saw lots of interesting things, one of which was two officers arresting 4 people, I just took in how discaplined they were. They looked very intimidating with their new masks and weapons. From then on I aspired to work for our benefactors and become a Combine Civil Authority unit.

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y ( ) N (x)
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (x) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (x) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (x) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed: Carl Mathews

(OOC Edit Note: I understand that there are no rolls in the server now. I will keep it in anyway.)
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Head Administrator

Posts : 42
Join date : 2011-08-07

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: GTbrawlers and Pharius   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeSat Aug 20, 2011 2:43 am

GTbrawlers - Accepted, well done.
Overall it was good, however there is two things that stood out to me,
1. You use your /mes in the past tense, please remember to /me in the present tense
2. Your unit ripped off the front of a vending machine to use as a riot shield, please try and remember that the vast majority of the CCA are completely human, although a very small minority may have augmentations.
Otherwise, I am impressed. Good job.

Pharius - Accepted, well done.
Above average roleplay example, very good.
1. Please remember that we only use /roll on the server if both/all people involved agree to it.
Other than that, very good indeed.
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Posts : 20
Join date : 2011-08-21

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 4:02 am

Out-Of-Character information.

Steam Name : Halfrandom
Steam ID :STEAM_0:1:24092568
Current Characters : Alex Potter, Lisa Black, Alan Parker

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? Yes.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.

(This scene is starts in the plaza near the change shop)

Me: Citizen.
Citizen: Yes officer.
Me: Face the wall.
** The citizen faces the wall.
Citizen: What have I done wrong?
Me: Standard check.
Me: /me attempts to tie
** The citizen dosen't resist.
Me: Ok.
Me: /me pats down the citizen finding unusual things
** The citizen realizes he is busted and makes a break for it.
Me: /radio Citizen with level 3 contraband trying to escape, backup requested.
Me: /me unholsters his gun, takes aim and fires at his leg.
** The citizen falls to the ground in pain.
Me: /radio Citizen contained backup not needed.
Citizen: Damn you.
Me: /me kicks the citizen in the face
** The citizen becomes unconscious.
Me: /me takes the citizen to the detainment centre
Me: /me throws the citizen into a isolation cell.
** The citizen wakes up.
Me: Citizen.
Me: Apply.
** The citizen remains quiet.
Me: Citizen, Apply now.
** The citizen sits down staring down the officer the entire time.
Me: Final warning!
** The citizen continues to stare him down
Me: Citizen, prepare to meet pain.
Me: /me laughs evilly.
** The citizen is beated.

In-Character information

First Name : Alan
Middle Name(s) : James
Second Name : Parker

Civil Identity Number : 71668
Age (In years) : 40

Hair colour : Brown
Eye colour : Blue
Height : 6,3
Gender : Male

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.

The story goes back to his hometown of Manchester (England) where he lived with his parents being a only child. His uncle called Peter Parker, was in the military and reached the rank of a captain. He used to take his nephew (Alan) out on all different shooting sports, from archery to clay shooting. Then at the age of 14, the 7 hour war came. At this time, he and his uncle were out clay pigeon shooting when they charged out grabbed me and my uncle.

He was then taken to City 11 where he lived for 26 years. He learnt that the combine were not our enemy but our saviours. There were no more wars, guns, crime. Just peace. Unfortunately, not everyone realised that. He became loyal to the combine in city 11; he used request devices to tell the MPF about rebels (anti-citizens) and other crimes on-going. He got rewarded with extra rations and a better home. Eventually, the combine took out the most loyalists 50 and sent them off to other cities. The town was then blown up with all of the others with it. I lost many friends that day, but I realized it was for the greater good of the combine as they never make mistakes.

He arrived in city 45 to find it a better place than the previous city. There were no crimes, no anti-citizens, no arguments. Or so he thought. After a week of being there, he noticed that there were anti-citizens, stronger than the one’s in city 11. At his age of now of 40, he knew somethink must be done. So he signed up for the CCA.

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y ( ) N (X)
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (X) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (X) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (X) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed ______Alan Parker_______

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<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: GTsilencio's Application   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 4:24 am

Out-Of-Character information.

Steam Name : GTsilencio
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:33476094
Current Characters : Ezio Hawke, Jack Bourne

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted.
Yes, in multiple servers my favourite job would be the cival protection, police ect.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.
Time: 20:40
CCA-SWORD-04.06724 Stood guard at the 45th Apartments.
Citizen: /y Help me..!
CCA-SWORD-04.06724 radios in: 10-103 At the apartments 10-0.
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526 radios in: 10-4.
CCA-SWORD-04.06724 /me slowly opens the main doors slowly while taking his stunstick off his belt.
**See's a rebel quickly run by.
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: Citizen, stop!
CCA-SWORD-04.06724 /me Flicks on stunstick.
** The CCA runs up the stairs after the rebel.
** He see's the rebel run into a room and lock the door.
Rebel 1: Keep it down I saw a CCA downstairs.
Rebel 2: /me rubbing his head in panick.
CCA-SWORD-04.06724 radio's in: 10-104 At the apartments, 2nd floor ASAP.
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526 radio's in: 10-4 On my way.
** The CCA unit awaits the other unit next to the door.
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526: I'm here, how many inside?
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: Two rebels, possibly harmed, one citizen captive.
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526: Stack up, prepare for breach.
** The units stack up on door.
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: /me Pulls pistol out of holster and takes a deep breath.
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526: /me Aims the pistol towards the lock.
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526: Ready, 3 2 1 breach!
** The CCA SHEILD unit shoots the lock and the door swings open as the SWORD unit barges through.
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: Everybody, get down!
** A rebel is hiding beside the door.
Rebel 1: /me Falls the the floor instantly.
Rebel 2: /me Attemps to knock the pistol out of the units hand.
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526: /me Aims gun and goes to shoot the rebels arm before he reaches the SWORD unit
Rebel 2 Rolls 42 out of 100
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526 Rolls 61 out of 100
** SWORD raises his pistol and shoots the rebel in the wrist.
Rebel 2: /me Screams in agony
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: /me Push's the rebel to the ground.
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: Stay down!
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: /me Attemps to tie the rebel
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: /me Tie's the rebel
** The SHEILD unit runs through and assists the citizen in distress
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526 radio's in: The citizen has been obtained, bringing him back to nexus for medical attention.
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526: /me Un-ties the Citizen.
**CCA-SWORD-04.06724 Goes over to the second rebel
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: /me Tie's the second Rebel
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: Apply!
Rebel 1: Frank Wayland
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: /me Checks data pad
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: Says here you are to be amputated for being in the resistance.
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: /me Pulls his gun to the rebels head.
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: Resistance is foolish
** A gun shot echoes the room as the rebels body lays still
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526: Take this one back to nexus for isolation, he will serve 3 cycles for a grade 3 crime.
CCA-SWORD-04.06724: 10-4, Right away sir
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526: Citizen, Prepare for cival judgment.
CCA-SHEILD-02.68526: /me Beats the Rebel
** The SWORD unit drags the body bag to the nexus for isolation
Citizen: Thanks you sir.
Citizen: /me Stands up and walks with the SHEILD unit\
** They return to nexus were the citizen receives medical attention

In-Character information

First Name : Jack
Middle Name(s) : N/A
Second Name : Bourne

Civil Identity Number : 35234
Age (In years) : 24

Hair colour : Dark brown
Eye colour : Blue
Height : 5'9"
Gender : Male

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.

Before the ocupation of the MPF/Combine Jack Bourne was a police officer and took pride in locking up criminals.
He was well respected for his work and for keeping the community a safe and cival place to be.
But when the combine came and over run the city, he had no choice but to fight with all he had. Jack was alone in the station
as his officers went to there family to try to keep them safe. The MPF broke down the door and searched, Jack waited for the right
moment, he jumped on one, punching him in the head multiple times till he collapsed. The others saw him and flicked on there stun stick.
Jack charged towards them and punched one, the other hit him with his stunstick, stiking him till he collapsed on the floor.
the combine seen him as potential and put him in isolation, to get him to see the power of the combine.
Then trained him to be a MPF recruit, from there he built up in ranks,
criminal after criminal he felt as if he had his job back, his pride. Jack now serves the Combine to the fullest
and they in return respect him and give him a place in society. He now keeps the town cival and safe from the resistance.

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y ( ) N (x)
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (x) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (x) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (x) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed ___Jack Bourne
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Head Administrator

Posts : 42
Join date : 2011-08-07

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 5:20 am

Halfrandom - Accepted, well done
Although your roleplay was about average, it was good enough for a CCA Unit.

Silencio - Accepted, well done
Although the amount of description was good, bear some things in mind...
1. I noticed when attempting to tie a citizen, they did not re-act at all, remember to let them react.
2. The CCA would /never/ give medical attention to a Citizen, unless they were a particulary high ranking Loyalist.
3. In the part with shooting, remember /rolls are only used on this server if all people involved agree to use it.
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Kadzu The Cookie

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-08-22

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 6:06 am

Steam Name: Kadzu The Cookie Kitten :3
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:37702381
Current Characters: Grand Nimahara
Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted.
Yes I Have some experience

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.

Time 21:35

Me:Citizen on the wall
Citizen:/me Attemtps to escape
Me:/me Blocks him easily
Me: /me Attempts to cover citizen mouth
Citizen: /me Resists
/Me: /me Suscefully covers citizen mouth
Citizen: /y HELP
Me: /me Knocks out citizen
** Sees another citizen screaming that combine is bad**
Me: /me Shoots him in the legs
**Citizen 2 falls dead**
Me: /me Drags citizens to isolate rooms
**Citizen 1 wakes up**
Me:Citizen APPLY
** Citizen Stares at me**
me: Apply now!!!!
Citizen: /me Yawns
me: Citizen TO THE WALL!!!
** Citizen goes to wall without resist**
Me: /me Evil Laughs
Me: /me Ties Citizen and beats him up with stunstick
**Citizen 2 doesnt wake up**
Me: /me Checks Citizen 2
Me: /me Short Laugh
Me: He is dead...

In-Character information
First Name : Kary
Middle Name(s) : N/A
Second Name : White

Civil Identity Number : 13365
Age (In years) : 22

Hair colour : Light Brown
Eye colour : Purple
Height : 4'9"
Gender : Female

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.

Before the ocupation of the MPF/Combine Kary Was a normal Citizen...he was like everyone... never broke a law or offended someone... a perfect girl

But once her parents died...she rebeled and started to hate every autorithy
the combine wanted to arrest her... she resisted killed a combine with a gun... she got stunned...
she waked on the isolation room in city 18... combines interrogated her....then she wanted to join combines...nobody accepted her in CCA....But when she killed the most wanted criminal in city 18 all CCA Where searching her to join combines...but she didnt notice... she was on his Department... alone... when she noticed runned to the CCA Station...then she got recruited in CCA

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y (x) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (x) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (x) N ( )

Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (x) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed ___Kary White
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<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 23, 2011 7:48 am

Kadzu The Cookie - Denied, sorry
1. The RP was weak, I am afraid.
2. Remember you must use "attempt" in your me so people can react

That being said, I know you are now, and that was quite good for a new person
You can still try again, try and watch what the CCA do and how they roleplay

Remember, you have unlimited application chances.
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Ninjas and such

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-08-26

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 7:03 am

Out-Of-Character information.

Steam Name : Ninjas and such
Steam ID :STEAM_0:0:10466636
Current Characters : Chris Leyland, Ryan Leyland

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience?

Nope, not on this server

(Right, sorry, must have some how deleted this bit... Don't ask...)

(Scene: CCA-Sword.04.51364 is standing watch over an empty plaza, most of the citizens are in the slums)

Citizen **Runs past Sword 04
CCA.Sword.04: ::> Hold it right there! (while giving chase)
Citizen **Seems bewildered as he turns around, but complies with the request
Citizen: What do you want, officer?
CCA.Sword.04: ::>Apply.
Citizen: John Smith, 12345
CCA.Sword.04: ::> Face the wall.
Citizen **walks towards, and faces the wall
CCA.Sword.04 **Attempts to tie (At this point I would type '.// Do you want want to resist?')
Citizen ** Resists, but gives up quickly
CCA.Sword.04 ** Ties the mans hands together, and then pats him down for contraband (Finds Alcohol)
** At this point, a small crowd begins to gather to find out whats causing all the trouble. Sword.04 turns back to realise some citizens are straying dangerously close.
CCA.Sword.04: ::> Citizen, move back.
** Some of the citizens stay where they are.
CCA.Sword.04: /me Un holsters his stunstick to gesture a warning.
** Some citizens move back, but one remains, obviously still unaware that he needs to move away
CCA.Sword.04: /it The stunstick buzzes to life
CCA.Sword.04: Citizen, move back, right now.
** The citizen suddenly notices that he is being addressed ad cautiously moves back.
CCA.Sword.04 ** Returns to John Smith
CCA.Sword.04: ::> Well well, what would this be? Alcohol is contraband, you know?
Citizen: This is bull shit! I didn't know it was illegal to drink!
CCA.Sword.04: Whoa there, Audio violations as well.
CCA.Sword.04 ** Checks his data pad
CCA.Sword.04 ** Can see past offences, including possession of contraband, writes down new offences: Uncivilised way of self transportation, Audio Violations, Contraband on person.
CCA.Sword.04: ::> You've been found with Contraband before; I doubt that Alcohol being contraband is any revelation to you. I bet you're also awar of the price for carrying contraband...
Citizen ** Gulps
CCA.Sword.04: ::>Suspect prepare to receive civil judgment!
CCA.Sword.04 ** administers a level two beating, fines 75 tokens, and detains the man for two cycles, seen as it is a repeated offence.

In-Character information

First Name : Chris
Middle Name(s) : N/A
Second Name : Leyland

Civil Identity Number : 77093
Age (In years) : 25

Hair colour : Black
Eye colour : Blue
Height :5'9
Gender : Male

Chris Leyland started life as a rather over confident lad. Early achievements provided the promise of potential which Chris Leyland later would fail to capitalise. His early academic achievements would be mirrored in GCSE's and A levels by persistent under achievement, and all out academic failiure. Chris Leyland's teens were also marred by a spiraling almost Bi Polar level depression which left him on the verge of commiting suicide on more then one occasion.

Chris Wandered from low wage job to low wage job before, at the age of 21, signing up for the RAF where he was trained in the art of Piloting and using Multirole fighters Bombers such as the Euro-Fighter. Chris was an un notsable pilot, neither excelling nor failing in any particular aspect, piloting skills, weapon system, mechanical capability were all things he grasped but never mastered.

Later still, during the 7 hour war, Leyland played a ver minor role, Combine Synths had already established airial supperiority against inferior human technology, Chris found himself restricted to the ground for most of the war, eventually being summoned into action when the Synths reached RAF lyneham, where Chris was stationed.

Chris found himself being transfered from city to city as the Combine attempted to keep ex military personnel from establishing links with rebel cells. Leyland came to hate th Combine administration for a time. His time in City 14 was noted with a reprise as he formed a deep, personal relationship with an 'Eva Andrews', who was largely apathetic to Combine behaviour.

Chris was transfered to City 18, where after being at first typically negative to Combine mannerism, found himself confronted with a strange situation, he witnessed as many muggings, and assaults at the hands of normals citizens then he did at the hands of the combine, and the combine had a reason, even if it was just 'he was running'. In actual fact, Chris' conversion from Anti-citizen to practical loyalist was not just down to That one factor, but many othe effects over the course of his journeys, from being a depressive realist, to his relationship with Eva, to simply understanding rank-and-file in the Military sense. Chris spent little time in attempting to sign up as a CCA official, as soon as his mind set changed to that of a loyalist.

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Occasional Audio Violations, and running.
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed Chris Leyland____

Last edited by Ninjas and such on Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:40 am; edited 4 times in total
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<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 8:32 am

Ninjas and such, I need a RP example, bro.
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Ninjas and such

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Join date : 2011-08-26

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 6:52 am

Right, its fixed now, I don't know how I missed that out.

I remember writing it, but I must have deleted it, some how...
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Join date : 2011-09-10

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeSat Sep 10, 2011 10:17 pm

Out-Of-Character information.

Steam Name : coldshot43
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:22103105
Current Characters : Lewis Angus

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted.

No, but i have enjoyed this server a lot so i am trying to apply.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.

(Scene starts in the main plaza)
**Citizen running to Foto Shop
CCA-SWORD.91304: Hold it right there!
** The citizen stops running and turns round.
CCA-SWORD.91304: I saw you, face the wall.
**The citizen faces the wall.
CCA-SWORD.91304: /me attempts to tie the citizen.
CCA-SWORD.91304: .// Resist?
Citizen: .// No
CCA-SWORD.91304: /me successfully ties the citizen.
CCA-SWORD.91304: /me pats down citizen and finds a axe.
Citizen: /me suddenly tries to break free.
Citizen rolls 47 out of 100
CCA-SWORD.91304 rolls 61 out of 100
CCA-SWORD.91304: /me grabs the citizen's arm and twist it, keeping him contained.
CCA-SWORD.91304: Are you aware that owning a unauthorized weapon such as this axe is Grade Two Contraband and you can be fined and detained?
Citizen: No, i was not.
CCA-SWORD.91304: Citizen, prepare for civil judgement!
CCA-SWORD.91304: /me flicks his stunstick on and swings back.
**CCA-SWORD.91304 hits the citizen until he is knocked out
CCA-SWORD.91304: /me grabs the citizen
**CCA-SWORD.91304 Drags the citizen away for a detainment of 4 cycles.

In-Character information

First Name : Kestral
Middle Name(s) :
Second Name : Fraser

Civil Identity Number : 91304
Age (In years) : 19

Hair colour : Brown
Eye colour : Blue
Height : 5"10
Gender : Male

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.

Kestral was nothing but a child when the combine came into power. Being raised by only his father in City 12, he done his best to live on little rationing and performing petty thievery. At only the age of 16 Kestral was forced to find shelter elsewhere as his father was shot by combine for owning a unauthorized weapon, then his house was reclaimed. He moved to City 18 where he was not treated with a warm welcoming.

After a couple of weeks of living in a slum with a old friend named Robert he was smashed against a wall by two rebels, one wielding a bat and the other a crowbar. Who demanded his weeks rations of food and drink. Kestral was about to give them away begrudgingly. when like a knight in shining armor, a member of the MPF came behind the two and brought them to there knees with his stunstick. From that moment on Kestral strived to become MPF officer and deliver justice to City 18.

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y ( ) N (X)
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (X) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (X) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (X) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed ______Kestral_Fraser____________

Last edited by ScottishOwl on Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : One part the description said Lewis instead of Kestral, woops :D)
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Head Administrator

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<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeSat Sep 10, 2011 10:37 pm

ScottishOwl - Accepeted.

1. The Roleplay example was decent
2. The only thing that concerns me was /rolling. Please remember we do not use rolls on this server unless both players involved agree to it.

Otherwise, well done and welcome to the CCA!
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Join date : 2011-09-11

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeSun Sep 11, 2011 7:20 pm

Out-Of-Character information.

Steam Name :Jim-theo
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:37238851
Current Characters :Jim Theo

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted.
Yes but the server died.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.
(Scene starts in the main plaza)
**Citizen runs to apartments
CCA.Sword 04:Hold it.
**Citizen stops.
CCA.Sword 04:Wall.
CCA.Sword 04: WALL NOW!
Citizen:/me faces wall
CCA.Sword 04:Citizen.
CCA.Sword 04:Apply.
Citizen:John Smith 13370
CCA.Sword 04:/me Checks his data.
**finds no past offences
CCA.Sword 04:/me attempts to tie Citizen
CCA.Sword 04:.//Resist?
CCA.Sword 04 rolls 65 out of 100
Citizen rolls 38 out of 100
CCA.Sword 04:/me ties citizen.
CCA.Sword 04:/me pats him down
**finds illegal books
CCA.Sword 04:/me flicks his stunstick
CCA.Sword 04:/me hits citizen
**Drags him to a cell administers a level 2 beating fines 75 tokens and detains him for 1 cycle.

In-Character information

First Name :Jim
Middle Name(s) :N/A
Second Name :Theo

Civil Identity Number :79500
Age (In years) :20

Hair colour :Dark Brown
Eye colour :Dark Brown
Height :6.2
Gender :Male

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.
Before the 7 hour war Jim was a teenager taken care of by his parents.
His father was killed during the 7 hour war and his mother was transfered to city 17 with him.
Jim's mother was taken by a MPF Unit at a checkpoint at the train station while he was let outside.
3 years later Jim has grown tired of his poor living conditions and started considering joining the MPF.
After some time he was transfered at city 18 where he decided to join the MPF.

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y ( ) N (x)
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (x) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (x) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (x) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed ____Jim Theo______________
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<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeSun Sep 11, 2011 11:35 pm

Jim-theo - Accepted, welcome to the CCA.

1. Please rememember that we only use /rolls if both players agree.

2. Some of the RP was a bit short, but I am sure you will get better during Basic Training.
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<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: My CCA aplication   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 12:52 am

My CCA aplication

Out-Of-Character information.

Steam Name:[EXO]Orfeas123
Steam ID:STEAM_0:036616743
Current Characters: Loyd world and and random name i don't rember it is for if i am stuck at my onthere caracter

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted.
Yes i have experiance on another server
Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better. In-Character information

This axemple is at the plaza when i am patroling
/me Patrols on the street
Some citizens are walking on the plaza streets
/me sees 2 citizens fighting
/radio we got fighting citizens at the plaza streets!
me yells: CITIZENS!
me: Hold it!
/it the 2 citizens: stoped fighting
/me stands after the 2 citizens
me:What happend there!
Citizen 2: The begin was he stolen somthing
citizen 2: He stolen my.....
Citizen 2: my Pistol....
/me attemts to tie citizen 2 and 1
/me searching citizin's 1 inventory
/me Takes the gun from citizen 1
me: Citizen 1 Why you stolen the pistol?!
citizen 1: i wanted to give it to an CCA
me: good you can go citizen 1 you have to no contrabant things
/me searches in citizen 2 his inventory
me: This is conrabant level 3!
/radio we have a Level 3 contrabant stuff at the plaza
/me takes evrry conrabant thing
/Me flicks stunstick on
me: preparing for civilian judegement
/me KO'S the citizen
/me drags the citizen to a cell in the nexus
/radio and citizen in cell 4
me: Haha
/it stands up
/me locks the door
Me: Why you had conraband weapons
Citizen 1: cause...
citizen 1: Cause i am in the resistance....
me: Haha
me: what you wanted whit the weapons?!
citizen 1: kill dumb guys like you for freedom...
me: Citizen
me: Amputate
/radio amputating the citizen at cell 4
me; folow me
/me and it are walking to the roof
me: it looks like this is the end for you
me: you see that grave?
me: she/he was good but criminal scum liek you killed him/her
me:Now stand there
/me points at the edge of the roof
me:go stand there
/it stands at the ledge
/me points whit his gun at the citizen
me: anny last words?
citizen 1: i was proud at being a part of the rebelion
me:Ready to amputate
/radio ready to amputate
me: haha
me: good night
/me presses the trigger of the gun
/it falls from the roof
/ME walks back the nexus in
/radio teh citizen from cell 4 is amputated

First Name:Loyd
Middle Name(s):---
Second Name :World
Civil Identity Number:28334
Age:27 Years

Eye colour:Brown

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.
How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed Loyd Sherwood
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<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 1:31 am

Orfeas123 - Accepeted, but only just!

1. The roleplay was... eh....
2. You're spelling is a bit off.
3. This seems rather hastily typed
4. Enlisted Units may only amputate if attacked or ordered by an OfC+
5. Your character seems to be a bit too "badass"
6. Remember to let other people use /me, using /it for their reactions is powergaming.

However, I am sure Basic Training shall remedy these problems.
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Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-09-12

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 3:02 am

Out-Of-Character information.

Steam Name : esplanade25
Steam ID : Steam ID Finder won’t work I hope you don’t need my Steam ID for anything Important.
Current Characters : Chris Hayes

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted. No, I have some experience on other servers playing as a citizen but no CCA Experience.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.
***Unit is Patrolling the plaza looking for Infractions
***Unit Sees a man running
Unit: “Hold it right there!”
***Man stops and looks at the Unit
Unit “Running in the Plaza? That is Uncivil.”
***Unit Turns on his stun baton “Face the wall”
***Man Complies and faces the wall
***Unit Puts his stun baton in the air about to hit the man.
***Man Doesn’t resist
***Unit Hits the man three times
Unit: “Apply!”
Man: “Chris Hayes, 34256!
***Unit Logs the Data in the Datapad
Unit: Now get out of here!
Chris: Yes sir!
***Chris Walks away to the 45ths Apartment.
***Unit Continues his Patrol in the Plaza
Unit Radios: Plaza is Clear
Dispatch Radios: Alright Unit Ripcord we are regrouping
Unit: Copy that!
***Unit Runs to the Nexus

In-Character information

First Name : Chris
Middle Name(s) : None
Second Name : Hayes

Civil Identity Number : 34256
Age (In years) : 27

Hair colour : Brown
Eye colour : Green
Height : 5’9
Gender : Male

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.
Chris worked as a Baker in the local town of Holywood. It was a quiet town and so it was a quiet life for Chris. He had always wanted action in his life but he didn’t realise how wrong he was. One day he was walking home from work when a Combine Drop Ship flew overhead. Unfortunatly Chris was one of the first captured when the Drop Ship Unloaded its Infantry right above him. He was Knocked out. When he woke up he was in a new city. It was City 18 and he was conused. It didn’t seem like he was anywhere near Holywood anymore. The sky was dark and full of clouds. He walked from the train station and moved to the 45ths where he saw a small group talking. Each was from different countries across the world. The only thing they had in common was the English Language which they all spoke fluently. They each took an apartment some moving in together. Chris stayed alone in his apartment slowly scavenging some goods to sue as furniture. He saw Civil Protection outside and knew that the World was no longer in Human Control...

How many infractions, if applicable, have you committed against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies? None
Y ( X) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (X ) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (X ) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (X ) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed Chris Hayes

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Join date : 2011-09-13

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeTue Sep 13, 2011 6:07 am

Steam Name: dylned14
Steam ID: 0:1:40537903
Current Characters: Dylon Freewoods
Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted. No, I have some experience on other servers playing as a citizen but no CCA Experience.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.
***Unit is Patrolling the plaza looking for Infractions
***Unit Sees a man running
Unit: “Hold it right there!”
***Man stops and looks at the Unit
Unit “Running in the Plaza? That is Uncivil.”
***Unit Turns on his stun baton “Face the wall”
***Man Complies and faces the wall
***Unit Puts his stun baton in the air about to hit the man.
***Man Doesn’t resist
***Unit Hits the man three times
Unit: “Apply!”
Man: “Dylon Freewoods!
***Unit Logs the Data in the Datapad
Unit: Now get out of here!
Chris: Yes sir!
***Dylon Freewoods away to the 45ths Apartment.
***Unit Continues his Patrol in the Plaza
Unit Radios: Plaza is Clear
Dispatch Radios: Alright Unit Ripcord we are regrouping
Unit: Copy that!
***Unit Runs to the Nexus

In-Character information

First Name : Dylon
Middle Name(s) : None
Second Name : Freewoods

Civil Identity Number :
Age (In years) : 18

Hair colour : Blond
Eye colour : Blue
Height : No idea
Gender : Male

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.
Chris worked as a Baker in the local town of Holywood. It was a quiet town and so it was a quiet life for Chris. He had always wanted action in his life but he didn’t realise how wrong he was. One day he was walking home from work when a Combine Drop Ship flew overhead. Unfortunatly Chris was one of the first captured when the Drop Ship Unloaded its Infantry right above him. He was Knocked out. When he woke up he was in a new city. It was City 18 and he was conused. It didn’t seem like he was anywhere near Holywood anymore. The sky was dark and full of clouds. He walked from the train station and moved to the 45ths where he saw a small group talking. Each was from different countries across the world. The only thing they had in common was the English Language which they all spoke fluently. They each took an apartment some moving in together. Chris stayed alone in his apartment slowly scavenging some goods to sue as furniture. He saw Civil Protection outside and knew that the World was no longer in Human Control...

How many infractions, if applicable, have you committed against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies? None
Y ( X) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (X ) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (X ) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (X ) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed 'Dylon Freewoods

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<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Jack Johnsons MPF Application   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeWed Sep 14, 2011 1:33 am

Steam Name : V-man
Steam ID :STEAM_0:1:41025853
Current Characters : Jack Johnson

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.
** Walks down street **
** Notices citizen Beating another citizen **

me : Citizen

Citizen : What do you want Bitch

Me : Audio Violation

Citizen : Face the wall

** Citizen attemps to run away **

me : Gets a Pistol out

** Runs at anti-Citizen **
** Citizen enter appartments **

Me : follow citizen into appartments

Citizen : removes Pistol

** Shoots citizen in leg **

** Citizen jumps from window **

** Me looks at window **

** Sees a shit load of rebels **

Me radios : Backup, rebels infront of appartments building

Radio Back : Roger

Me : Gets pistol out

** Gets out of appartments building **

** Starts Shooting at rebels **

Me radios : hurry up

Radio Back : Affermetive

** Kills a rebel **

me yells : Oh yeah

** Rebels run away **

Me radios : Rebels running away

** Attemps to follow rebels **

Me radios : rebels gone

Radio Back : Affermetive

In-Character information

First Name : Jack
Middle Name(s) : None
Second Name : Johnson

Civil Identity Number : 77831
Age (In years) : 25

Hair colour : Black
Eye colour : Brown
Height : 4'50
Gender : Male

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.

Jack was a bright kid and, although having very strong opinions on the modern worlds society, was reasonably popular. He studied long and hard to work for his dream career in the film business, Directing being his big target. He got all the GCSE's and A levels as well as a degree in Film Production, and proceeded through education in flying colours. From there he joined the Navy, just to earn some money and see the world while waiting for the responses to all his Film Applications. However when he got back he discovered that nobody wanted film directors any more and that the entertainment industry was seriously low in money... So Jack sought a different route in Business... Housing market and stocks and shares. He became wealthy quite quickly, gaining money from different areas from stocks and shares to getting involved in more dangerous organised crime selling drugs and breaking into houses that he had sold and 'equipped' with safety devices.

He was at the top, Until his secret drugs operation was discovered and he was locked up. A week after that the 7 hour war started, the combine took him out of prison and placed him straight on a train to City 18 where he became poor, hungry and was beaten up on a daily basis. Now he lives in City 45, Working with the combine on occasions but generally keeping his head low... He wanders around, silently... Remembering the fall of his dream and realising that he should've avoided the organised crime. He suddenly realised what is wrong with the world and now he wants to help shape it back into how it should be, and the only way he could possibly do that... Is join the Combine...

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y ( ) N (X)
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (X) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (X) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (X) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed Jack Johnson
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Join date : 2011-09-16

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeFri Sep 16, 2011 4:55 am

Steam name: AeonTranz
My Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:6428933
Age: 18
In Game name Aeon Daii

My Experience:

I have had my own DarkRP and build server for the past 3 years now and I have also been Admin on the BYB #4 server, there are some other servers I have been super Admin on but I domt think they are running anymore.

I really dony understand what else you want me to add :S
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Head Administrator

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Join date : 2011-08-07

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeFri Sep 16, 2011 7:50 am

V-man -accepted

Aeon, please use the format provided.
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Join date : 2011-09-16

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeSat Sep 17, 2011 12:19 am

Steam Name : AeonTranz
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:6428933
Current Character Name : Aeon Daii

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.

My own DarkRP server and playing on this server.

/me Walks down street and looks around.
/me Notices a citizen being beaten by the CCA.
/me Walks away.

me : Citizen

Citizen : What do you want Bitch

Me : Audio Violation

Citizen : Face the wall

** Citizen attemps to run away **

me : Gets a Pistol out

** Citizen enter appartments **

Me : follow citizen into appartments

Citizen : removes Pistol

** Shoots citizen in leg **

** Citizen jumps from window **

** Me looks at window **

** Sees the citizen dead on the floor **

Me radios : Anti Citizen down.

Real Life Name : Ashley Courtney
Age : 18

Hair colour : Brown
Eye colour : Blue
Height : 5'7
Gender : Male
Civil Identity Number : 24439

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y ( ) N (X)
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y (X) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y (X) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
Y (X) N ( )

By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed Ashley Courtney

Last edited by AeonTranz on Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:01 am; edited 2 times in total
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Join date : 2011-09-13

<|| CCA Applications ||> Empty
PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitimeSat Sep 17, 2011 9:25 pm

Steam Name :Dylned14
Steam ID :
Current Characters : Dylon Freewoods

Do you have any previous CCA roleplay experience? If you do not, don't worry, you can still be accepted.

Please provide a roleplaying example as a CCA/MPF Unit of at least twenty (20) lines. It should include the use of /me and /it, the longer and more detailed, the better.

In-Character information

First Name :Dylon
Middle Name(s) : none
Second Name : Freewoods

Civil Identity Number :
Age (In years) : 18

Hair colour : bald
Eye colour : Blue
Height : middle siezed
Gender : Male

Please provide the Combine Civil Authority with a few paragraphs on your life both before, and during the occupation of Our Benefactors, otherwise known as the Combine or the Universal Union.

How many infractions, if applicable, have you commited against the Universal Union Law Enforcement agencies?
Y (< ) N ( )
Do you understand, and agree, that at the rank of RCT, you may not leave the Nexus unacompanied by an Officer or substantial Command Unit?
Y ( Yes i understand)
Do you understand, and agree, that if failure falls upon you, you may be temporaliy suspended from the CCA Until deemed fit for duty?
Y yes i agree
Do you understand, and agree, that your Union Contract may be terminated during any point during your carrer in the CCA?
(i agree
By signing the below contract, you agree to all the terms and conditions of the contract, and failure to abide with them may result in political execution.

"I hereby place my mind, body and soul into the property of the Universal Union. I will trust in the orders from the Union, and I shall never turn against it. In the case that I do, I hereby admit myself to either Transhuman Overwatch Surgery or Transhuman Stalker Surgery. I swear that I shall uphold the Union's Law Enforcement protocol to my dying breath"

Signed _Dylon Freewoods_________________

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PostSubject: Re: <|| CCA Applications ||>   <|| CCA Applications ||> Icon_minitime

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