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 Black Market Applications

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Black Market Applications Empty
PostSubject: Black Market Applications   Black Market Applications Icon_minitimeThu Aug 11, 2011 11:05 pm

This application will be the hardest of them all. Do NOT expect to get in easily. You have two attempts to get Black Market flags. These will be accepted/denied by Kotov

Here is the minimum lengths of the application, the more you do, the better.

Light Black Market - Food, clothing, melee weaponry - 1 and 1/2 pages on a word processor, font size 12
Medium Black Market - Food, clothing, melee weaponry, small firearms, common ammunition - 2 and 1/2 pages on a word processor, font size 12
Heavy Black Market - Food, clothing, melee weaponry, small firearms, medium firearms, heavy firearms, common ammunition, rare ammunition - 4 and 1/2 pages on a word processor, font size 12

Steam Name :
Steam ID :

Applicant's name (Including Nicknames) :
Any other characters :
What position you are applying for :

You should now write your application on a word proccesor and copy/paste it below. The length should be at least the minimum of what you are applying for. The application should contain a brief introduction in your character's childhood, their education, or perhaps non education, early adulthood and of course, how they survived the Seven Hour War. It should then also show how the applicant will aqquire these goods, and how they are trafficked into the city. This will not be easy, only the best of the best will be accepted. The more in-depth, the better.

Good luck!

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Age : 30

Black Market Applications Empty
PostSubject: Laurent's Medium BMD Application.   Black Market Applications Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 12:17 pm

OOC Information:
Steam Name: [MEDRP] Laurent
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:10346515
Applicant's name (Including Nicknames): Jake 'Ghost' Hollow
Any other characters: Peter Cole (CWU) Scanner. MPF-SWORD-03-77512(Civil Protection)
What position you are applying for: Medium

IC Information:

Jake Hollow was born in the year 1989. He did not had any brothers or sisters, only his father, Brandon Hollow. His mother died by giving birth to Jake. Since then his father is taking care of Jake. Jake's father was a mehanic, fixing cars. His father had no time to look after him,
so evrtyime he had to work, he brought Jake to his own mother, while he had to work.

About twelve years later..
It was the year 2001. Jake was 12 years old, he finished basic school.Then he quitted school and started to help his father, and learning how to fix all kind of things. He saw evryone going to high school, but Jake didn't care, instead of going to school Jake was learning on how to fix things, he found it really usefull.

About six years later..
It was now the year 2007. Jake was a grownup, 18 years old. He was working now full time with his father, fixing cars, and other things. Jake's father found out he had cancer. He needed to stop working, Jake now had to care for his father. His father was in the hospital, dying of the cancer. Jake visited him once a while few times in the week. While on his way home Jake saw two people beating a old man up in an dark alley, he went to them, yelling them to stop. The two men looked at him, one had a pipe and one a knive. Jake grabbed a empty bottle from the ground and throwed it at the man with
the knife, the man goes unconsious, dropping the knife. The man with the pipe looked at him, angered. Jake carefully walked to the knife, suddenly the man runs at Jake, swinging his pipe at Jake's head, Jake took the hit from the pipe, falling on the hard cold ground. The man walked over to Jake,
swinging the pipe again, Jake rolls out of the way, grabbing a knife and gets up, the man misses. Jake was nerveus, he never got into a fight. The man ran again at Jake, swinging the pipe. Jake went out of the way, stabbing the man's stomach repeatdley, the man falls to the ground, bleeding heavily He looked at the two bodies, sighing. He walked over to the old man, helping him up. Jake and the old man went to a bar, drinking and telling about their lives. That day, his live changed. The old man's son was a dealer, into weaponry, drugs.. And he was looking for guys like Jake. Jake needed to think about it, Jake stayed at a hotel for the night.

The next day..
Jake and the old man's son had an appointment at the bar. Jake went to the bar, seeing the same old man again with his son. The old man, looked at Jake, motioning for him to come. The old man walked away, letting Jake and his son alone. The name of the old man's son was Richards. They talked about bussiness and such, about life. Jake agreed on helping Richard. They were doing this for a year now.. Untill..

One year later..
It was the year 2008, Jake was 19 by now. Jake's dad was dead by now. The world was attacked by the combine. Jake and Richards went hiding underground with the a few other poeple, evryone who bid resistance to the combine was getting killed. They didn't knew what was happening.. Gunshots, explosions, people that were screaming..

Seven hours later, the gunshots, explosions, the screaming suddenly stopped.
The people who were underground, they went to the surface, they saw combine marching on the streets. No one could leave the city, evrywhere checkpoints with lots of combine. They also needed humans. The Metropolice Units. Human's in uniform and mask. Patrolling the city. Richards and Jake didn't know how to supply and sell the goods. No one could in or go out.They heard about the "Outlands".. Were it is dangerous filled with necrotics and bugs.. Citizens who were not in the city, walking around in the Outlands, fighting the Combine soldiers. Richard wanted a supplier who was in the outlands to bring in the goods. But how will they contact that person? They really didn't know.. They were walking around in the slums, suddenly they saw a guy with a 9mm pistol. The man looked at them and aimed his pistol at them, asking what the fuck they wanted. Jake asked from where he got that pistol. The man frowns, scratching his head, telling, the Outlands ofcourse. Jake facepalmed, sighing. Then Richards asked, how someone from the Outlands brought the goods. The man led them to somewhere, pointing at a sewer grate. Jake and Richards looked at eachother and rushed to the sewer grate. They knew that they could not go both into the Outlands. They had an agreement, Richards will go to the Outlands, getting a supplier. It was hard work, first of all they needed a crowbar or any kind of weapon. Jake and Richards dropped all of their tokens on the table, counting. 3200 tokens, they had. They ordered a 9mm pistol, some ammo and a crowbar. It was expensive, a few weeks later they got the goods and Richards started to go to the Outlands, trough the canals, were it is swarming with necrotics. Jake was waiting and waiting.. 3 months later, a man camed out the sewer grate, it was not Richards. The man asked, are you Jake? Jake nodded. He heard that Richards died in the Outlands, while returning to the city.He found a supplier, the man who camed out of the sewer grate was the supplier, they started to talk. Evry now and then, the supplier would come by to note the orders of the shipments. Jake felt sorry for Richards, he knew he had the help the citizens of the city, supplying them with fresh water and food. He walked away from the sewer grate.. To his apartement.

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Black Market Applications Empty
PostSubject: Black Market Application   Black Market Applications Icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 12:28 am

Steam Name : jack-emerson7
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:30122812

Applicant's name (Including Nicknames) : Jack Emerson
Any other characters : Sword 02, OTA-Knight Omega
What position you are applying for : Medium


Jack Emerson’s life began in Belfast. He was born in a small family home on the 24th of July 1993. He did not go to school and instead stayed at home. At home he did not learn to the standard of education but he was taught how to cook and wash clothes. He could run a household before any of the other children at the local school but he couldn’t write or use mathematics.
Later in his life at 14 he suddenly took interest in Writing and mathematics. His father ran a small business on the corner of the street. It was a small news agent and so instead of staying with his mother during the week he worked with his father. While there over the years he spent he learnt how to run a successful business and spent most of his time in the back room writing and practicing mathematics. Although he had scrawled handwriting his mathematics was sound and soon he was at the same stage as his peers who had an education. Before then he hadn’t met anyone of his one age but when his father was happy with his work he would let Jack run the shop for an hour or two. When serving customers he made a few friends among his own age and started to become social.
By the time he was 16 he could run the entire shop for days at a time without fault and keep up his social life. His best friend was called Jim who lived three streets away. Jim unlike Jack went to school but surprisingly Jack had a similar Grasp to most of the School Subjects as Jim. Jim helped Jack around with the shop a lot in exchange for some free products.

At the age of 18 Jacks father died shortly followed by his mother. Jack was left the shop and his brother was left the house. His brother called Ben worked in the house to keep it clean and make food while Jack ran the shop to get an income. They worked as a team for two years and when Jack was 20 and Ben was 16 the Combine Portal storms began.

HOUR 1: Jack was in the shop. It was a normal Tuesday when suddenly a terrible storm started. Jack didn’t think much of the storm until he saw a blue light he assumed was from a lighting strike didn’t go away. He went outside to investigate and found himself staring at a Portal with Drop ships flying out every second. Jack ran back to the house to find Jim and Ben in a conversation. He said look outside aliens are invading!
HOUR 2: Ben and Jim saw the Portal and the Combine drop ships and ran back inside. They decided to hide in the basement and come up later when the storm was over. In the basement of the house there was a small TV a Sofa and a lot of filled boxes. They turned on the TV to find that each channel was either offline or showing an emergency message to board up all doors and windows and hide in an Attic basement or underneath your stairs.
HOUR 3: Inside one of the Boxes was a tool box with some nails and underneath some of the Boxes Ben found a few Pallets. Jack and Jim Broke the Pallets and Jim went up to board the doors and windows. Jim did not come down for a while and Jack went up to investigate.
HOUR 4: Although Jack feared the worst Jim was fine. He had boarded up Both of the doors and most of the Windows on the downstairs area of the house. Things seemed quiet outside but Jack and Jim decided to wait until the TV said to leave the house. After boarding up all of the windows on the bottom floor they had a small rest and set to work on the Upstairs part of the house.
HOUR 5: After 15 minutes all the windows and doors in the house had been boarded up and Jim and Jack returned to the Basement to find Ben clicking the remote of the TV. “All of the Channels are down” He said. They looked at each other with mixed expressions until they heard a knock on the door upstairs. They stayed down when suddenly there was an explosion and they heard a strange voice say “Search!” Ben was scared and hid behind one of the Boxes when Jim stood up and grabbed a Crowbar that was inside the box Ben was behind. “I am going to fight them off” Jim did not know what he was getting into. When the Combine saw him They told him to face the wall aiming AR2s at him. He faced the wall and when one went behind him he jabbed the crowbar into its Chest. The combine didn’t react while the other shot Jim in the back of the head. The Combine noticed the Open Basement and threw down a Flash Grenade. Jack and Ben were disoriented and heard the same voice say “Go sharp go sharp!” When Jack could finally see again he was shoved against a wall and tied up he and Ben were scanned with a device when one of the things said “This one is too young” The other said “Copy” and while one dragged Ben away the Other Knocked Jack out.

For the rest of the war jack was unconscious in a portable detainment Unit brought by the Combine. Ben was taken upstairs and shot and his body along with Jims was burned outside the home. When Jack woke up he was with 5 people. They did not talk and just stared at each other. The cell they were in was made out of Metal and had no windows. There was a single light and the room was dim. None of the Prisoners spoke and before they got the chance a door suddenly opened. 5 Cans of some water and 5 Jars of strange purple goo was thrown into the Room and the door was closed again. The food was shared out and for the duration of the stay in that cell no one spoke.

The officer who had given them food the other days walked in without food. The people were confused. He untied them all and gave them Citizen Identification Cards. The people took the cards and left to find they were in a strange city. Unknown to them they had been moving while they were in the cell and were now at a place called “City 18” They got out of the call and were in some sort of train station. They saw things that seemed human but looked like the Combine they said “Move it!” and they all left the train station. Jack went to the slums while he was looking for a home and found a man standing in the dark. He said “Hey you want to work for me?” Jack said “Doing what?” The man said “I want you to sell this food I will let you have a Quarter of the Profit” Jack said “How do you get this food?” The man touched his nose and gave Jack a few Chinese take outs. Jack sold them within the first day and got to know the man he now worked for. The man was called Bruce and got the food from some dealers who got it from the Outlands. Bruce said “They could sell me weapons if I wanted them but I don’t want to sell anyone guns they might rob me.” Jack understood but followed Bruce to his next meeting with the Outlands dealer. Jack thought why should he work for a Quarter of the Profits when he could have it all. After Bruce left Jack Emerged and asked the Outlands Smuggler if he could order some products to sell. The Outlands smuggler asked his name and said he would get back to him. Bruce continued to hire Jack until the Outlands seller sold Jack some food to sell. Bruce understood and said “I will just find some other sucker to work for me. Good luck to ya!” Bruce left City 18 on a Requested Transfer because he did not want Competition in his business. This left Jack to sell the food and soon Jack got used to ordering and started requesting more contraband such as ammunition and weapons. Jack slowly but surely became more sympathetic to the Resistance as he shared their views on the CCA which were the new police force recruited by the Combine. Jack started to use his skills in mathematics and Business to become a bridge for the Resistance and the Outlands smugglers while making a small profit for himself. From then on Jack lived in the slums as Black Market Dealer.

Last edited by jack-emerson7 on Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:28 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot Steam ID)
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Black Market Applications Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black Market Applications   Black Market Applications Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 9:33 am

Steam Name : Abneto
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:10434036

Applicant's name (Including Nicknames) : Ryan Wenton
Any other characters : James Hansen (CWU), CASTLE 03, RcT, Viktor 'Axe' Mackzterovick
What position you are applying for :MBMD

IC Information:

Toronto, Canada, 1989.

Ryan is born. He never knew their parent name, since they abandoned him for adoption 6 hours ago. He then stood at the adoption center for hours. Days. Months. Years. He and a friend he met on the center were adopted by a man with around 60 years old. They both then growed up togheter.

8 years later...

Gang wars became massive on Canada and a part of United States for territories disputes. It was 2 months of pure massacre, blood, bullets flying all around, buildings destroyed, corpses everywhere. Ryan and Paul were kidding when a group of rival gangs made a war. Bullets flied all around Ryan's house and on the other ones nearby. Paul got shot on the head and died. Ryan and his adoptive dad could only barricade the door and the windows, and hide on the basement. Ryan couldn't stop crying due to his "brother" death. That traumatizated him forever.

2 months later..

It was anounced that the gangs were either all killed on the war or undone. The peace was once again restored on some parts of the country, while otheres were still in the affects. It took long to the countries to restore themsselves after 2 months of massacre and vandalism.

4 years later.. (2001)

Ryan and his dad moved to Texas, a place where many refugees of the war went to, since the gang wars didndt affected it and it was peaceful. Ryan's dad worked as a carpenter. The salary was horrible, but enough to sustain him and Ryan. Ryan made few friends, which were also poor. They scavenged what they could to sell it back in attempt to make a better living.

6 years later.. (2007)

Ryan was 18. He and the group of friends have economized the money they all have made selling the stuffs they scavenged and made enough to rent a house for themselves. The house were small, and weren't very comfortable with all of them living on the same place. They have lived on that house and everyone on the group helped the way they could. Some found jobs, other still were scavenging. A small part were mugging people... Ryan worked as the same job as his father.

1 year later (2008)

The combine took over, gunshots, explosions, screams.. Corpses all around. A part of the group were killed, Ryan and 4 people of the group were hided on the basement. They all could only barricade the basement door and hope not to get killed. While on the basement, Ryan found a small gap on the wall big enough to crawl through. They have crawled it, and found a giant cave. Someone was already there, because the place was iluminated and with strategic ways. Ryan and 2 of the group went to north. 2 were to the northeast. Those 2 who were at northeast were missing, never came back.

2 days later...

Some supplies were running low on the group of 5. They were near the end, while they found a steel door. Ryan knocked. A man said: "Who's there?", Ryan replied:"I don't know.. I'm lost." The door opened, and a man in a rebel suit made a hand signal to the group to get in.

1 day later:

They got used to the place and discovered various things about the resistance group who helped them. The 4 people were called by one of the resistance members. Ryan was then called by another one. That guy said:"Look, I quite find you trustable. Come here." They both came to another steel door. The man explained to Ryan what that door is where they deliver weapons and supplies from the outlands and told him that there is inumerous suppliers around the region and other continents. He also asked if he could trust Ryan to sell black market items to help the citizens refugiating on the slums of C18. Ryan accepted. The man then opened a door, leading Ryan to a road next to the trainstation. It was full of people trying to desesperately escape of the war.

7 hours later:

Everything went quiet. The combine took over. Once he reached C18, he saw various people on the trainstation. And various CCA units searching the citizens. Ryan then got inside C18. He then went into the slums through a secret way. He saw the note that the guy gave him with the location of the C18 supplier. "Look at the XCCR warehouse and go to the combine wall near the subway stairs. Knock on it 5 times, then give this note to him." And there was a lambada on the note, plus signed under. Ryan knocked on the wall 5 times. "Who is it?" a man replied. Ryan said "A guy told me to come here." Ryan then inserted the note on a gap of the wall. "Oh, I see you are one of those new BMDs... Tell me whenever you need something." The guy replied.

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Black Market Applications Empty
PostSubject: Jack-emerson7's Heavy BMD Application   Black Market Applications Icon_minitimeThu Sep 01, 2011 12:40 am

Steam Name: jack-emerson7
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30122812
Character to be White Listed: Jack 'Shadow' Emerson
Characters: Jack 'Shadow' Emerson, CCA-Sword.02-662**

Heavy Black Market Dealer Application 4.5 Pages


Jack Emerson’s life began in Belfast. He was born in a small family home on the 24th of July 1993. He did not go to school and instead stayed at home. At home he did not learn to the standard of education but he was taught how to cook and wash clothes. He could run a household before any of the other children at the local school but he couldn’t write or use mathematics.
Later in his life at 14 he suddenly took interest in Writing and mathematics. His father ran a small business on the corner of the street. It was a small news agent and so instead of staying with his mother during the week he worked with his father. While there over the years he spent he learnt how to run a successful business and spent most of his time in the back room writing and practicing mathematics. Although he had scrawled handwriting his mathematics was sound and soon he was at the same stage as his peers who had an education. Before then he hadn’t met anyone of his one age but when his father was happy with his work he would let Jack run the shop for an hour or two. When serving customers he made a few friends among his own age and started to become social.
By the time he was 16 he could run the entire shop for days at a time without fault and keep up his social life. His best friend was called Jim who lived three streets away. Jim unlike Jack went to school but surprisingly Jack had a similar Grasp to most of the School Subjects as Jim. Jim helped Jack around with the shop a lot in exchange for some free products.

At the age of 18 Jacks father died shortly followed by his mother. Jack was left the shop and his brother was left the house. His brother called Ben worked in the house to keep it clean and make food while Jack ran the shop to get an income. They worked as a team for two years and when Jack was 20 and Ben was 16 the Combine Portal storms began.

HOUR 1: Jack was in the shop. It was a normal Tuesday when suddenly a terrible storm started. Jack didn’t think much of the storm until he saw a blue light he assumed was from a lighting strike didn’t go away. He went outside to investigate and found himself staring at a Portal with Drop ships flying out every second. Jack ran back to the house to find Jim and Ben in a conversation. He said look outside aliens are invading!
HOUR 2: Ben and Jim saw the Portal and the Combine drop ships and ran back inside. They decided to hide in the basement and come up later when the storm was over. In the basement of the house there was a small TV a Sofa and a lot of filled boxes. They turned on the TV to find that each channel was either offline or showing an emergency message to board up all doors and windows and hide in an Attic basement or underneath your stairs.
HOUR 3: Inside one of the Boxes was a tool box with some nails and underneath some of the Boxes Ben found a few Pallets. Jack and Jim Broke the Pallets and Jim went up to board the doors and windows. Jim did not come down for a while and Jack went up to investigate.
HOUR 4: Although Jack feared the worst Jim was fine. He had boarded up Both of the doors and most of the Windows on the downstairs area of the house. Things seemed quiet outside but Jack and Jim decided to wait until the TV said to leave the house. After boarding up all of the windows on the bottom floor they had a small rest and set to work on the Upstairs part of the house.
HOUR 5: After 15 minutes all the windows and doors in the house had been boarded up and Jim and Jack returned to the Basement to find Ben clicking the remote of the TV. “All of the Channels are down” He said. They looked at each other with mixed expressions until they heard a knock on the door upstairs. They stayed down when suddenly there was an explosion and they heard a strange voice say “Search!” Ben was scared and hid behind one of the Boxes when Jim stood up and grabbed a Crowbar that was inside the box Ben was behind. “I am going to fight them off” Jim did not know what he was getting into. When the Combine saw him They told him to face the wall aiming AR2s at him. He faced the wall and when one went behind him he jabbed the crowbar into its Chest. The combine didn’t react while the other shot Jim in the back of the head. The Combine noticed the Open Basement and threw down a Flash Grenade. Jack and Ben were disoriented and heard the same voice say “Go sharp go sharp!” When Jack could finally see again he was shoved against a wall and tied up he and Ben were scanned with a device when one of the things said “This one is too young” The other said “Copy” and while one dragged Ben away the Other Knocked Jack out.

For the rest of the war Jack was unconscious in a portable detainment Unit brought by the Combine. Ben was taken upstairs and shot and his body along with Jims was burned outside the home. When Jack woke up he was with 5 people. They did not talk and just stared at each other. The cell they were in was made out of Metal and had no windows. There was a single light and the room was dim. None of the Prisoners spoke and before they got the chance a door suddenly opened. 5 Cans of some water and 5 Jars of strange purple goo were thrown into the Room and the door was closed again.
The food was shared out and for the duration of the stay in that cell no one spoke. Finally Someone broke the silence. Their name was John. John Introduced himself to the other four saying that before the war he was a Baker. The people listened while drinking the water and trying to finish their Supplement. Everyone in the cell seemed afraid except for John he was chatting as if nothing had happened While John was talking confidence grew in the group and they all began to talk with each other. The three people in the cell who had not introduced themselves were called. Keith, Kerry and Sarah. While in the cell they all began to become friends and decided to try and stick together. Day after day the Water and Jar of food came. Always at the same time every day. John seemed to have a working watch and it seemed every day at 6PM the Guard came thrown in some Rations and then closed the door again.
Soon the door opened and the guard thrown in some clothes. This was out of time as this was exactly one hour after the Rations had been thrown in. They put the Uniforms on over their own clothes. Each had a name tag and a strange number with CID: Written in front of it. The numbers were a 5 Digit code which they assumed were Identification Numbers. Each ones size fit perfectly over their clothes and then they sat down waiting once more. With his suit on John decided to start talking about an escape. No one else showed any emotion or any response to his talk but he kept telling them to grab the guard before the door closed. John was telling them the rest of his plan when suddenly three guards stormed in and got everyone on the wall. They were tied and beaten until they were unconscious with a strange electrical baton. When the woke up they realised John was gone.

Without John the moral of the group dropped dramatically. Although they were all acquainted they no longer spoke to each other. Each was scared that if the guards didn’t like what they were doing they would be beaten. Each day the sae guard would come in and throw down Four Cans of water and four jars of food. It was eaten in silence and the group slowly took their own corner of the cell. Each in their corner they had their own space. As they were so quiet they could hear almost everything that happened nearby. They could hear screaming and nearby footsteps they also heard clicks and sparks as the Batons were turned on and used.
The next day the guard came in and presented the group with Identity Cards. This had a photo of them on it with an Identification number and their name. He got them to face the wall and tied them. They expected to hear a click and then get beaten but instead were told to turn around. They saw that the door was open and the door was open. The guard said “Move it!” and the group slowly walked out of the cell. They were guided along a number of corridors and staircases until they arrived at a blue metal door. They were untied and the door opened. They were told to leave. The place the entered was apparently called “City 17” As they said the group walked together and eventually found an empty apartment and made a home.
The group had started talking. They lived in harmony and scavenged some beds and some cardboard boxes to use as mattresses. They were sitting in the Plaza enjoying a rest when they saw someone they didn’t expect to see again. It was John and he was walking in between two Guards. These one’s looked different to the ones before. The ones before had a navy blue uniform with bright blue eyes. These ones were in Black Uniforms with a Grey Mask. They forced John into the centre of the plaza and held him still. He saw the four of us. The group looked at him and he looked at the group. A man walked to the group and told them about the guards. “Those are CCA Units... they are under one mans authority the SeC. If you apply to join them you can get some more food out of it.” Suddenly Sarah got up and walked towards the recruitment office. She was never seen again. Leaving Jack and the other two staring at John. He looked rough. It was obvious he had been tortured and he wasn’t happy about it. Suddenly a man in a similar Uniform came. His eyes were yellow and he has a suit with Orange Trimming. His mask was white and he was holding a revolver. Suddenly all over the city a speaker system started up. It said “If you do not obey the Union, you will be terminated by the union.” To everyone else in the city this was just another random announcement. But to everyone in the Plaza the tension couldn’t get higher. The Unit raised the revolver slowly aiming at Johns head. He said “Any last words” and John spat on his mask. John’s blood splattered all over the pavement as the bullet lodged itself in his brain.
The group stared in awe at the sigh. Suddenly the SeC told Jack to “Sterilize the pavement” The Unit gave Jack a broom and then laughed “Haha” Jack got angry. His temper flared and he swung the mop at the units head as fast as he could. It was a flash for the group and they didn’t know exactly what had happened but within seconds Jack was standing facing the Unit. The Unit had caught the broom in his hand and then snapped it like a pencil. He laughed more and then hit jack on the head with the revolver.
Jack woke up tied in the DB. His friends were in another cell. The Unit turned out to be the SeC and he was with a new recruit. In the Prison. He was training her in how to handle suspects but this was an open and shut case. Things were never that simple with the SeC so he decided a strange punishment. He said “For this attempted Poliocide you shall be amputated”. Jack started to shiver. He didn’t know what amputated meant. He thought his arm would be amputated but then the SeC laughed. He then said “After I knocked you out those people tried to take you away. They are friends of yours?” Jack nodded to him. “Well amputation is one way to punish you. But a good punishment would make you feel guilt your entire life wouldn’t it? It would gather in your mind and kill you from the inside.” This confused Jack but then he saw what the SeC Meant. The SeC Grabbed Kerry and Keith and said “Recruit 47692 Amputate these two citizens” The recruit then pulled off her mask. It was Sarah. She said hello to them both and the SeC Said “Is there a Problem Recruit?” Sarah said “ No sir just some old friends” The SeC and the Recruit laughed together. And then the Sarah shot Keith and Kerry at point blank range. Jack showed no emotion but inside he was furious. The SeC said “ Recruit have this man relocated... to City 18” Sarah said “10-4” and smiled at Jack. The SeC Said “The deaths of those people is on your hands Haha!” He then turned on his stun baton and beat Jack until he was unconscious.
Jack awoke on a train. He was with no one else and he was tied up He felt Guilty, scared and angry at the same time. He wanted to kill the SeC but he knew he would get himself killed by trying. Everyone he ever knew was dead and his new friends had died because of him. He decided that he would do what he could to resist the combine. He got off the train and was untied. And let out of the station. In the new city Jack went straight to the slums district. He wanted to live in darkness for the rest of his days. Before arriving at the slums district he was checked apparently he had no Data. The SeC must not have recorded what he did... Because Jack had moved to a different Sector he had a Different SeC so getting revenge would be next to impossible, but he knew Sarah’s face. And with that sort of betrayal he had a place in his mind where he kept her image. If he ever saw her he would risk his life to kill her. In the slums Jack saw little life. He found a place which for the slums seemed like “Luxury Apartments” He scavenged and found some furniture to put into the apartment.

Jack had his apartment set up and made a new friendship. He was now a known customer of Garry. Garry was a Black Market Dealer. The Outlands smugglers told Garry they didn’t trust him very much so they only sold him light goods. Garrys to hated the Combine and understood why Jack wouldn’t want to leave the slums to get rations. Garry decided to sell Jack food in exchange for work. Jack started to sell things and with his previous business experience excelled and made more sales than Garry. Garry was impressed and decided to dump all of his work load on Jack while he relaxed. Soon jack realised what Garry was doing and decided to follow him to the next Outlander Smuggler meeting. After garry had left Jack explained to the Smugglers what Garry was doing. The Smugglers decided not to sell to Garry anymore and instead sell to Jack. They asked one thing. “Keep your prices high so idiots don’t get weapons. Though you can keep the food at whatever price you want just make sure the people you sell it to know not to go to the Combine with it”
Jack began to sell food to the people of the slums and began to make profit. Soon the Luxury apartments were known as “Jacks Luxury Bargains” The people liked his stance on food. They liked the cheapness of the real food and in turn a lot of people decided to not eat their rations. In the chain of events this cheap food and water kept the people from eating or drinking the Combine Made food. This made the Combines grip on humanity drop Extensively as most of their Brainwashing was in their water. This caught the eye of certain resistance groups and slowly but surely the Outlands smugglers saw what Jack was doing. Trust from both of these Anti-Combine groups gave Jack opportunity to buy weapons and to Sell weapons to the resistance. Soon Jack Decided that he would start up his own Resistance cell. This resistance cell would evolve around propaganda and Giving out food. It would also evolve in gaining intelligence and covert operations. Jack knew that the Combine were stronger than him. All he had was his brain to get around them. Slowly but surely because of his style people who did not know him started to call jack “Shadow”. So Jack lived on. Selling to the Resistance, Building his own Cell and of course selling food to the citizens of the Slums. The one problem with Jacks work was that if a Loyalist found his operation they could report him.
He decided to become more secretive with his identity. He kept his CID In case he needed to go into the slums but he rarely kept food on him and always went by his nick name “Shadow” He eventually made an armband saying “Shadow” To let people in the slums know who he was. This made it easier to sell food and the Loyalists and CCA Only knew him as Shadow and not Jack Emerson.

Last edited by jack-emerson7 on Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:41 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot Steam ID in this App Too :p)
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PostSubject: Clive Brown's BM Application.   Black Market Applications Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 7:09 am

Steam Name : Pharius
Steam ID : 0:1:30043299

Applicant's name (Including Nicknames) : Clive Brown
Any other characters : Hannah Clouds, CASTLE DvL, Martha Woods, Scanner, SYNTH Scanner, Mike Pearson.
What position you are applying for : Medium BM.

Clive Brown was a orphan, born in 1990. His parents had left him in Marys Orphanage for boys in Frankfurt, Germany. Clive was a very silent child who grew up living with many other boys like him. In his childhood he experienced bullying, and neglect from his mentors.
Clive received terrible education from the home, at the age of 12 he only understood basic mathematics and English. But then, he became interested in medical things. He wanted to become a doctor when he grew up. But he was having no luck with being adopted. Clive soon became depressed and he spent most of his time locked in his room. Clive grew stronger as his social life got weaker. Clive began to run every day, and work out. By the time he was 15 the bullies did not bother him anymore, but what bothered him more was schoolwork.
One time in mathematics class a mentor, Miss Stein was writing on the board when Clive suddenly stood up and headed for the door. Miss Stein attempted to stop him but with one hard blow to the head Miss Stein fell to the floor, out cold. Clive ran as far away as he could from the orphanage. He spent his next five years living like a tramp, he lived in alleyways and the occasional sloppy apartment. All Clive could think about was becoming a Doctor and helping people.

Hour One:
A massive storm starts above the city, its unusual as its the middle of July. Massive shots of lightning begin to come out of the clouds, after 20 minutes of the storm a giant blue beam comes out of the centre of the cloud and digs itself in the centre of Frankfurt. The police are called out and they advise everyone to stay in their homes.

Hour Two
Meanwhile, Clive was in the Spectre apartments, a cheap apartment block which was home to some of the poorest in Frankfurt. Clive had no idea that Germany was being affected by these storms. He just stayed inside laughing at all the people running around on the streets.

Hour three.
Suddenly about fifty dropships came out of this blue beam, they swarmed around the city and landed in different locations. One landed just outside the Spectre apartment block.
Clive held his breath as the door to the dropship opened and about twelve men dressed in black carrying heavy machine guns ran out of the ship and towards the building. Clive reached under his bed and pulled out a revolver. Clive then ran behind his door and waited.

Hour Four.
As Clive was on the fourth floor of the block, it was a whole hour before the men with the guns came to this floor. Suddenly he heard footsteps running outside. There was several bits of radio chatter and he heard a door being kicked in. A woman screamed, a man shouted. A gun fired.
Clive then heard the men assemble outside his door. Clive checked the revolver for ammo, before making sure he was in position. Three.. Two.. BANG. The door flew inward and so did a small metal cylinder, Clive closed his eyes. But all the cylinder did was pop, then the revolver suddenly shot out of Clive’s hands and it flew onto the cylinder can. It was only then the men came in and found Clive, dumbstruck, behind the door. The men searched Clive, before dragging him outside and loading him onto a transport truck.

Hour five.
The last of the people had been loaded onto the truck and its engine growled into life. The truck started to move. Clive examined all the people in the truck. He recognised about five of them, including a familiar face which Clive was struggling to remember. About thirty minutes into the trip the transport truck stopped. The back of the truck opened and everyone was ordered to move out of the truck. Clive got out and waited until his eyes had adjusted to the light, he then saw the big sign “Frankfurt Trainstation”. Clive had never been on a train before, but he was ordered to get on it.
Clive had got on the train, the carriage was packed with people. It started to get very hot and some people got angry. A man decided to be a hero, bad idea. The man stood up and barged through everyone to one of the guards on the carriage. The man punched the guard in the stomach, the guard did not flinch, instead the guard drew a pistol and shot the man in the head, this covered about five people in blood. Suddenly the train erupted with screams and cries. Clive could not bear it.

One Year Later.
Clive had been transported to City eighteen, he had arrived about eleven months ago. Clive was given a blue jumpsuit, a CID badge and some apartment keys. After a long walk Clive arrived at a building with a sign reading “The 45 apartments”. He entered the building and walked up to the third floor, he went down to the end of the hall and walked into his new apartment. He was sharing with a shady man who kept himself to himself.
But, after eleven months of being together Clive had developed a friendship with this shady character, they decided to hang out more. The shady character was called Bill. Bill had a contact outside of the city who supplied him with all sorts of contraband, such as weapons, food, clothes and medical supplies. Bill decided to let Clive into his business of selling all of this contraband to people in the city. One day Bill was killed in a Slums sweep, he had been found giving a gun to a citizen, the CP had shot him on sight and his body was burned. Clive searched Bill’s cabinet in the apartment to find a way to contact the supplier from outside the city. He wished to start selling things to citizens, he was going to follow in Bill’s footsteps. Now all he needed to do was find that supplier..

Last edited by Pharius on Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Ballsed something up. All fixed now.)
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PostSubject: Re: Black Market Applications   Black Market Applications Icon_minitimeSat Sep 17, 2011 9:27 pm

Steam Name :Dylned14
Steam ID :0:1:40537903

Applicant's name (Including Nicknames) :
Any other characters : None only Dylon Freewoods
What position you are applying for : Self Defence helping resistance selling

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