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 The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.)

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The Sniper

The Sniper

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The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) Empty
PostSubject: The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.)   The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 11, 2011 5:31 am

Doctor Erich Mengeles Transference Application.
# Searching Data# #Data Found, Sending Data#

#Data Found#

Full name: Erich Erwin Mengele.

Birthplace: Berlin, East Germany.

Birth date: 28th July, 1973.

Doctorates in Anthropology from Munich University & Medicine from Frankfurt University.

Former Military Services: Bundeswehr (1990-1992) Medical Corps, Rank: Hauptmann (Captain).

Loyalty: High Ranked Member of the Universal Union.

Services for the Union:
Served as:
Chief Doctor of Bezrec Concentration Camp (2001-2003), (chief Doctor) City Seventeen (2003-2006), (chief Doctor) City Forty-five (2006-2010), (chief of the creation of Overwatch Transhuman Arm Soldiers) Nova Prospect (2010-2015), (chief Doctor) City Eleven (2015-20-).

Transference Requests:

Requesting to be transferred to City Eight, as chief Doctor of Universal Union in City Eight.

(NOTE: This request of transference is only if we change to C8.
If we are going to stay on C18 or use C11, Ignore the transference request)

The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) Doktor_Josef_Mengele_Wallpaper_by_TheFuhrersAlbinoFox

Back Story of Doctor Erich Mengele.
Quote: ''There can't be two smart peoples in the world. We are going to win the war, so only the Aryan race will stand''.- Doctor Josef Mengele.
Erich Mengele was born 28th July, 1973. In Berlin, East Germany. In his early youths, he was often referred to the ''Nazi'' Doctor Josef Mengele, because of his surname. He was bullied for his surname, but he always gave back with sick ways of revenge. His way of revenge started to grow in him until he got old enough to unleash it's full strength. Erich was born intelligent and for his ''Authoritarian'' fast way of deciding.

Erich was interested by both Medicine, science and history. He also admired the book of ''The Honour of a Soldiers Life'', his interest in history, mostly German history. Was mostly World War One and World War Two. As his interest in History grew, he started to read books which was ''Censored'' in East Germany, but thanks to several sources he could get the books he was looking for. Mein Kampf was one of his favourites. He also began to gather books, journals and diaries from those who fought in the war, at one rare moment. He got his hands on a diary which could be traced back during World War Two, which is said to be from Auschwitz. It also contained the initials ''JRM'', as he continued to study the page he realized this was a page from the diary of the ''Angel of Death'', Doctor Josef Rudolf Mengele. In his diary, ''The Death Angel from Auschwitz'', has wrote his radical views on the world, his work progress and his theories of the Aryan race. His entire studies of Jews, twins, handicapped and mental disturbed people. Erich was amazed to find this piece of art, because he was interested in Science and Medicine. He began his own research from the studies of Doctor Mengele.

Soon, he began to idolize the thoughts of Josef Mengele, bringing himself even closer to the radical minds of National Socialism, Fascism and other ideologies which was censored, banned and forbidden in this Communist state, which was ruled by the Soviet Union. Later he began his studies in Medicine and Science. But he was punched out by the taxes and unemployment, 1990 he decided to join the army, through a false age stating he's 20, when he was only seventeen. But the army promised free education and a path into the University for those who have done their service for one year. Erich trained to become a soldier, but during his time in the army he also studied to become a Doctor once he's done with his military service. In the army he quickly arose to the rank of Captain through hardships, radicalism and much more. He ended his service, 1992. And got what he asked for. He was accepted into the Munich University and by the end of 1996, there he received Doctorates in Anthropology, but he didn't stop there, he continued his interest and studies at Frankfurt, by studying Medicine. In the beginning of 1999, he received his Doctorates in Medicine, by studying hard and smart.

He accomplished his dreams, but the road of was still long. And his views of Radicalism of National Socialism and Fascism was still strong. Instead of seeking job, he started to study politics more and Family history, through contacts he finally received information of his family's past during 1910-1945. He was amazed and filled with excitement, it seems like Josef Mengele was connected in his family. And actually his grand Uncle.
As he continued to study his grandfather and his Grand Uncle. He pieced together that his Grandfather and his brother had both been first volunteering to the Stalhhelm after World war one and then the Sturmabeilung. Also known as the SA. The National Socialist party's own Paramilitary. They resigned shortly after. At the year of 1934, the same year Adolf Hitler ordered the assassination of every SA leaders, also known as the ''Long Knifes Night''. They later joined the SS, fighting in Hitler's new Paramilitary organization on the Eastern Front during World War Two. After being wounded together at Battle of Kiev they were sent back to Germany. Hans Mengele, Erich grandfather was posted as a Captain in Auschwitz-Birkenau Sector Two, While Josef was the Chief Doctor of the Camp. There the fear for him grew strong. The inmates feared him and the Germans honoured him.

The continuation of these stories became to dark to be explained any further but later, Hans Mengele was caught by the Red Army during the liberation of the Camp and sent away to Siberia, but Josef Mengele escaped back into Germany. There he continued his studies but only until it was shown that Germany was going to loose the war, he took help from the Nazi organization of ODESSA, there he along with many more Nazi War Criminals escaped to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Erich continued with biological experiments on Frogs in his home made laboratory, there he performed Dissection on dead animals. Small reports of ''Human Bodies'' in these dissections has been reported to the Police, but when they searched the house they found nothing else than an abandoned house.

As Erich moved away from Berlin, his beliefs in the ''Aryan race'' and other political right-winged ideologies had been biting strong into him and later became ''Radical'' for Right-Winged parties. He later moved to Köln there he continued with his own studies.

Only three or two years later, Storms emerged from nowhere and from indescribable things reminding of ''Portals'' up in the skies and from them things that not even is meant to exist poured out from their openings. Only later when Erich understood that his former planet had been occupied by an Unknown force, he decided to collaborate with the new Government on earth. He wrote his application to the new part of the government, called ''Universal Union''. He used his knowledge in Medicine, Anthropology and Science to successfully create his application, there he stated his studies which was fascinated by the high ranked members of the ''Universal Union''. He quickly arose in ranks and he took the rank of ''Chef Doctor'' of the Universal Union . He was transferred to the Concentration camp of Bezrec, there he continued his studies/experiments on ''Human'' prisoners, instead of animals. He quickly got the rumour of being the descendent of the old Nazi criminal ''Josef Mengele''. He even received the of nickname ''Angel of Death''. The entire camp feared him. He experimented both on stalkerized and non-stalkerized people. Even members of the Universal Union respected and feared him. But many high ranked members respected him, rather than fearing him. They found him useful of sending fear into a man's mind and to keep control but also for his studies had benefit them so well that he was seen as an Visionary of the hand of the Universal Union. He advanced from the Concentration camp to take the post as chief Doctor of the Universal Union in City Seventeen, there he begun a terrorizing campaign against ''Non-Loyal'' people, calling them; lesser humans,mentally unfit and incapable for seeing the new future of the mankind. While the Loyalists and Civilized people was seen as the ''The Aryan Race'' in his eyes. Many fell for his Experiments, Torture and cruelty.

At 2006, he was transferred to City Forty-Five, there he begun the ''Purification'' of the City, more and more people who refused to become Loyal to the Universal Union, Became his new victims. His reputation as the ''Angel Of Death'' arose even higher. Fear of him sent like a strike into the hearts of the Citizens in City Forty-Five.
Even the City Administrator; Ernest Balder. Feared him, not only his actions of cruelty. But his appearance, mind and ability to frighten people in a unspeakable and indescribable way. His ways and actions was twisted and mixed with cruelty and a indescribable pain for those who took part in these experiments. While Erich appeared as a young, attractive and charismatic man, but a horrible truth which not even the books of Judas could describe, Lurking around as a shadow within him.

At 2010, Erich was in charge over the Combine production of new super soldiers (Overwatch Transhuman Arm). He decided to use a Pre-War Soviet prison, located by the Southern Coast of Sector 17 in Ukraine. He quickly created a crew of the most loyal and smartest Universal Union Scientists who had completed their education in
'Tekzanin Acadamey''.

Before the war, this prison had been used by the Soviet authorities as a Gulag Camp, over thousands of non-Loyal, Kulaks, Nationalists and Regime-Critics were sent here.

They used the holding cells to imprison their ''Test Subjects'' anything from ''Volunteers, Conscripted, Anti-Citizens'' and much more. The Prison Guard team contained mostly of Loyal people to the Universal Union, which later became the Nova Prospect Prison Guards. The rest were picked out from the Civil Protection Authority.
Erich led the experiments himself and created the first prototype of the new Super Soldier. The Mark-IVX Transhuman Soldier.

They never ran out of test subjects, the cells were always filled and new ones arrived every time. The Gulag was up and running once more but this time it's something much worse than it. The screams from the inmates echoes in the hallways and the corridors, much of the Gulag had been destroyed...Well that’s what they said. There sectors, in one they conducted the OTA transformation test and in the other sector the creation of pods for their new ''Artillery Weapon'' was produced. The rest are the holding cell areas.

After three years of research, the science team designed a ''Device'' which could erase the memory of those who are transformed. Erich accepted the idea and the construction began immediately. This device made their work easily as their Test subject's memory was completely erased. No more feelings, humanity, memory or anything.

At the year of 2014, the first Overwatch Transhuman soldier were complete.
All ''Prototypes'' were called back in to completely erase their humanity by turning them into cyborgs-robotics. Soon they were mass-produced in large numbers, the new Universal Union/Combine warfare had begun ''Cybernetician'' War. These Soldiers later received the nickname ''Overwatch'' by the population.

In less than months, the numbers grew from five-hundred to over six-thousands of Overwatch units. The Universal Union Council cheered at Doctor Mengele's succession of creating the new Army of the Universal Union. He was loved by his friends (Universal Union). But hated by the Civilian population and gave the OTA nicknames such as ''Mengys-Boys'' or ''Mengly's Army''.

After his success he was promoted and transferred to City Eleven, there Criminal gangs ruled the most. But when he came to the city he started a new ''Inspection'' law, there every citizen have to point out which one who had a criminal record or any possible memberships in these Criminal gangs, those who were caught was immediately put up as Test Subjects for Erich's new experiments of creating a liquid or a chemical which will ''Increase'' the Strength, speed and reaction for the Civil Protection Units. But he also continues his dreadful experiments by injecting them with several diseases such as ''Tofus'' and he still haven't given up his grand-uncle's studies of changing ''Eye-Colours''. During the year of 2015, Erich wrote ''Untermensch and Übermensch''. There he described the Underhuman and the Overhuman, by using several racist elements and studies the book was released as propaganda In order to boost the UU influence.
Doctor Mengele held several conferences with his colleges, there he used the example from his books ''Under human and Over human''. He directed that ''Religious'' people, such as Jews, Muslims were a part of the un-pure society and therefore ''Under Humans''. He described the Slavs, Muslims and all ''Non-Japanese'' Asians to be a part of the ''Under Human''. While the Over Human were those without a religion and a part of the ''Aryan'' race, Germanic, Northern, Franks, Anglo-Saxons were the ''Over Human''. Erich continued with his theory that the Over human needs to use the Under Humans as ''Slaves'' and ''Labour Workers'' so the Over Humans will be able to successfully establish the great ''Humanity''.
He said that ''Jews, Muslims'' are lesser humans. Worth less than a piece of bread
Perhaps his racism fuelled him to continue his work proving that the white/aryan race is the superior one.

When a Co-Worker asked protested against his theories, he said.

''There can't be two smart peoples in the world. We are going to win the war, so only the Aryan Race will stand''.

After that no one had the courage to protest and Erich received strong support, his strongest support was Doctor Wallace Breen (Administrator of C14). Erich received full control of the Universal Union to ''Purify'' the new Humanist society, his racism against others was no-fact, but his cruelty against his enemies was the worst.

His cruelty against Jews, Slavs, Asians, Dwarfs, handicap, Anti-Citizens, Criminals, Non-loyalists perhaps was a fact? Perhaps not?

Even at this very moment, the Forty-three year old Doctor continues his twisted experiments on some poor victim somewhere there normal humans are denied, and only if you dare to face the nightmares of a mad man...You will have the chance...A chance to see the evil itself.

Erich Mengele: (Erich to the Right) (Dressed in the Universal Union Military Uniform, Together with his Assistant: Doctor Jack Van der Ernk.(Left) During the Inspection of Bezrec)

The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) Ss_mans

(Erich Mengele in his Uniform. Year: 2016)

The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) Mengele
The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) Mengele2
The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) 01_mengele2_jens

The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) Article-1126816-0324010b000005dc-41_233x274

Josef Mengele: (1943, Auschwitz-Birkenau)

The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) 240px-Josef-mengele

Hans Mengele: (1943. Hans with his Guard dog)
The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) 08870
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The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) Empty
PostSubject: Good Job.   The Angel of Death. (Story of Doctor Erich Erwin Mengele.) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 11, 2011 6:31 pm

Really interesting to read, very informative and well-written. I enjoyed reading this and I hope all the others who viewed this post did too.

Good on you!
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