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 Markus Brown's Diary

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Join date : 2011-08-19

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PostSubject: Markus Brown's Diary   Markus Brown's Diary Icon_minitimeSun Aug 28, 2011 6:45 am

(OOC Note: Markus Brown is not a character on our server, he was my first ever character on my first ever HL2RP server. He had an interesting past so I decided to diary-it-up for you guys.)

My name, is Markus Brown. I am a quiet lad who prefers to stay inside to going out and playing with friends.

I dont have any friends though, they are all dead. All of them, not one remains. They killed my friends, they killed my family. And worst of all: They killed my spirit.

My Name, Is Markus Brown. I used to be a playful lad who played with my friends all day and never stopped smiling.

But not anymore. Not when They are here, They took everything away from me. Everything I ever touched, loved or spoke to, they killed and took away. This dirty book, this small dirty book is the only thing I have left in the world. So They are looking for you, dirty book. They are looking for you, when they find you they will take you away.
My parents died when They came.
My father, a general store keeper was taken away.
My mother, a housewife and leader of the neighbourhood watch assosiation, was shot.
My brother, A cadet in the British armed forces, has not come home.
And I, a lonely 24 year old man, I am still not alive neither.
I am a dead person, it is They who pump me full of their crap, this crap keeps me somewhat going. Although not enough, every day I consider attacking those bastards, but I dismiss my thoughts. As it is a crime to think, speak, laugh, cry, smile, frown and run. I cannot do anything without They finding me.

But They will pay.
They can take away my family.
They can take away my friends.
They can take away my soul.
They can take away my possesions.
But they cannot take away you, dirty book. I will guard you till your pages fall out and you cover comes off.
You are all I have left, don't die on me. Please.. Dont die on me.

(OOC Note: Wasnt that depressing? Don't you just want to kill yourself? If you like please post a reply telling me you do so, I am happy to make more of these emo-ass stories for you guys. Till then, see you in-game. -Pharius)
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Join date : 2011-08-26

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PostSubject: Re: Markus Brown's Diary   Markus Brown's Diary Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 7:38 am

Pharius wrote:

But They will pay.
They can take away my family.
They can take away my friends.
They can take away my soul.
They can take away my possesions.
But they cannot take away you, dirty book. I will guard you till your pages fall out and you cover comes off.
You are all I have left, don't die on me. Please.. Dont die on me.

Very rare I feel sorry for a fictional character I know nothing about, very nice touch.

Please continue it!
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Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-08-19

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PostSubject: Next Entry Of the Diary.   Markus Brown's Diary Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 7:07 pm

They called me, Crazy. They actually thought I was crazy.
I will kill all of them, they will get it coming, It is what they deserve for killing all of me.
They are going to die, burn, drown. And it will be slow, painful and no mercy will be given.
They took me to a room, they locked the room. I cannot get out, my spirit is locked in the other room, crying out to me. It is painful, they are keeping me in here for hell knows long. Please help me dirty book.
I kept you hidden from Them. You are going to keep me hidden from Them.

Now They walk me up the staircase and into a room with a chair on it. They throw me onto the chair and inject all sorts of things into me. Then they kill me.
Dreams, dreams are all but death in your mind. Dreams will make you think, and thinking will get you killed, just like they will kill me. But I will kill them first.
They came into the cell, dirty book, they came into the cell and tried to take you. But I fend them off.. They keep coming.. Neverending flow of Them.. They are going to take me to that chair, just like in my dream.
My Dream..
No! I am thinking, crime number one. They are going to kill me, I am fending them, punches, kicks, shots, are all exchanged in this battle. They give me a bullet, it lands in my arm.. I have failed you, Dirty Book. They will take you..
Im sorry.. Im so sorry..
*There is blood and a tear on the page*
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PostSubject: Re: Markus Brown's Diary   Markus Brown's Diary Icon_minitime

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