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 Relating to Chris Leyland

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Ninjas and such

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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 5:24 am

Chris Leyland is an ex private in the RAF. Not a particularly gifted pilot or soldier, Chris Leyland for the better part of his shortened eorking life still felt that he was doing something interesting, unique, and important. For the first time since childhood, his depression which had plagued him since his mid teens began to ease off. Later, during the 7 year war, Chris found his sqaudron grounded, unable to take of for fear of the Combine Syths unshakable aeiral supperiorty. The surrender of Humanity to the combine was a bitter sweat taste for any one to stomache, but non less then military personal, who felt personally responsible. Chris found himself drifting at the Combines will, moving from city to city like some kind of urban nomad. His Career made him suspect to the Combine administration, but his rank not sufficient to warrant overly restrictive measures, so the Combine are content to move him from place to place in an effort to stop him from coming into extended contact with any of the rebel branches; a practice many ex military personal find them selves being subject to.

Chris is characterised by a strange mindset, Leyland is intelligent enough, perhaps even above gross averages, but his lack of dedication, and his own overconfidence has led to repeated academic failiures. Also note worthy is his stand-offish nature, imbuned in him with his military training. The Combine have a particular talent for bringing out Chris's rebellious side, with Leyland often having standoffs with CCA officials, with deliberate intent to force their hand.
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Ninjas and such

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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 5:31 am

Day 1, City 18:

Crap. Relocated again. I dread opening the mail now, in case I get another god forsaken relocation permit. I already miss city 14, and I miss Eva.

City 18 is a hell of a way from city 14 on that note, and it lacks a certain... I don't know.

On a brighter note, hot of the train, and I managed to get the attention of a CP, not sure if I wound him up, but I certainly gave it my best shot.
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PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 7:27 pm

Your lucky I didn't detain you, ninjas.
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Ninjas and such

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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2011 12:43 am

Halfrandom wrote:
Your lucky I didn't detain you, ninjas.

((Oh, you love me really!))

((I haven't got the energy to go and correct the plethora of typos in my posts.))

Day 1, City 18:

I'm struggling to write since a CP broke my wrist... The CP's were being assholes again, and I was being an asshole back, when they told me standing still is a crime, I started jogging on the spot, heh heh. A guy came around the corner, and collapsed, next thing I knew, there was a small crowd gathering to see what was wrong with the guy (who we quickly found out had a busted leg, people still wanted to know how 'Civil' protection would deal with the situation). They shot the guys leg off! Can you believe it?! And then went and put the poor bloke out of his misery! I knew better to confront those CP's after that, but they found a reason to imprison me anyway, but not before they claimed that I was being a smartass, and guess how these particular CP's deal with smart asses?

I was 'being a smartass', so the damn bastard broke my wrist! I mean, yeah, I was being a smartass, but you don't see me breaking peoples bones about it. As if that wasn't enough, I've now been incarcerated in the Nexus, awaiting release.
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Ninjas and such

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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2011 12:54 am

Day 2, City 18.

A day in the slammer and already released, by a different CP. Though things didn't get any weirder then yesterday. I couldn't bring myself to relocate my hand. good thing too, as I will explain later. It happens that a Doctor named Ezio Hawke (I think) was passing by, noticed my plight, and offered to help me.

It turns out that my wrist was broken, as well as dislocated, so simply 'slotting' it back into place would probably of made things worse. I don't remember much after that, I was given a drug; made me feel all sleepy. The Doc' did his job though, And aside from the stitches, and the self applied bandages, I'm fine.

Now for the weird part, as I was walking towards the slums, a women actually dropped a man from a bridge! Hawke said he was lucky to be alive, and that it was a miracle that his spine was intact. The man later explained that a rogue CP unit had made the women throw the man off the edge. Crazy.

It gets weirder still, a black market dealer (the (in)famous FB) turned up to help the man get revenge. So me, Doc, FB, and the man (I can't remember his name though, damn) begin to plan out some kind of... assassination? I don't even know what we were doing, but I hadn't slept in three days, and was exhausted, so I eventually gave up and went back to my apartment, to go to sleep.
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Ninjas and such

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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2011 3:21 am

Day 3, City 18:

Its been a hell of a day, starting out with finding a dead body in the lower levels of the appartment building, and ending with me writing this in a dark, damp hideout.

I'm not even sure whats going on, but I imagine that this is how the minorities felt in Nazi Germany. Hiding out, having to stay quite, not sure when we can leave, but the Combine are out in force, so we can't leave yet.

The dead guy was quiteunsettling, and there were no prises for guessing that the knife that lay near him was the murder weapon. I approached the nearest apartment, and asked if they knew anything about it. It was the apartment of a couple, who before they could respond properly, a russian guy comes rushing down the corridor, tellling us to get to some form of hideout, because the combine are going to try and kill us. I was more suprised about the timing to be fair, I've long known that the combine want us dead. Theres not much to tell from there on; The group decided on a hide out, and I followed, we've been trapped in here, in a small, inpersonall space for a while now. I'll help out where ever I can, and try to mantain some sanity, but theres so little to do.

I really miss city 14,(Not something I thought I would say any time soon) and Eva even more so.
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Ninjas and such

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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 7:36 am

Day 4, City 18.

I was arrested. Yeah, again, Though I didn't do anything this time, its this whole crazy situation, where I was suspected of assault. They dragged me in, interogated me, believed my story (really?! Yes, I don't believe it either) and left me in a cell for a while, when I got out I watched the execution of the man who confessed to the crime.

The accusations of cowardice sit poorly on my mind.

*There is a sketch of the execution, drawn and shaded moodily in pencil*

I try to forget about it, but its hard.

He was called Dimitri (I think), and he was the brother of Vladimir, one of the men I shared that cold, dark storage room with during the Combine purge, I can't help but wonder if that purrge has anything to do with the new administator on the block, The butcher oversaw the execution personally.

I need some rest. But I won't get any sleep while the memory is still in my mind.
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Ninjas and such

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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 7:51 am

Day 5, city 8.

I got mugged, all my possesions are gone. But thats not why I'm in city 8, I came because I need to speak to my brother.

Last night, while I was recovering from my wounds, I had a long think about my situation. I decided I can't live this mundane life any more. More over, its foolish to hate the combine because they won. I decided to apply for the CCA.

I spoke to my brother, to confirm the news. As was to be expected, Ryan was highly disapointed, and confused in equal measure to the sudden switch in opinions towards the combine.

I assured him that nothing was decided, there was equal probability that I won't be accepted. But I told him what I had realised that night in hospital. We can not continue to hate the combine just because they won the war. Were we really that childish that, like a spoilt child not gettinf what he wants, have a long tantrum? He was not impressed.

*A sketch of an old Euro-Fighter, being split in half by what seems to be a pulse blast from a strider*

I'm actually on the train right now, the Combne caught me in city 8, I was allowed to go by a suprisingly generous CP, but that didn't fly in City 8, so I have been proted back to Ol' city 18 again. I wonder how long I'll be allowed to stay here, provided I don't manage to et into the CCA.
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Ninjas and such

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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 8:05 am

Day 6, city 18.

I'm having a terrible day, the depression of betrayal has caught up with me; Betrayal of my principals, betrayal of my family. I don't regret applying for a position in the CCA, but I do regret that there is room for regret. Its been a downer day in general, I've been more depressed then usual (A mugger actually asked if I wanted to die, I responded that I don't know anymore).

*A large portion of the page is dedicated to a detailed sketch of Eva, who seems to be sitting on a stool, talking to another person, outside of the sketch. A caption is written right below saying 'things can only get better now'.*

In truth, its been a pretty uneventfull day. A mugger actually entered my door, but left when he realised that I don't have anything worth taking, obviously the threat of me defending myself (As I made clear that I would) scared him out of killing me there and then. Obviously his other victims made no such threats.

The Butcher made another announcment. The crime syndicate opperating in the slums, (the one that mugged me I think) had one of its members captured, and was executed. Good Riddance. It makes me wonder though, do the rebels opperating in the slums find the crime syndicate a minor annoyance, or are they taking steps to elminate each other? maybe there is a secret, clandestine war going on that we aren't hearing about. I think the Combie should sweep the slums and kill of this organised guild of thugs, and show them what the rebels have had to put up with for so long now.

Its been a depressing day, but I have a feeling that it isn't over yet.
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Ninjas and such

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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 4:46 am

Day 7, City 18.

Well, I've had an all right day today, which by defenition means I've had an unusual day. Most days are filled with mandatory orgys of fear, rape, beatings, murders, muggings, pick pockets, butchers andbeing arrested.

Saying that, I just saw a CP shoot a vending machine. Despite me being there first, the CP made me move. I can't complain.

Just as odd as todays civility is my overall mental state. I'm not depressed, so I'm on the upward climb, but I'm also extremely... I can't think of a word for it. Infact, I can't think of much, this entire section has been a struggle because I have the wor

Just got moved by another CP... Sigh

... because I have the worst writers block. I just feel a bit weird over all today.

Theres a bunch of posters around the city, advertising the rebels! Literally advertising the Resistance, and the CP's aren't doing anything about it.

I can't be bothered to sketch right now, to gittery.
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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 5:00 am

Nice done. Except that almost no one is reading this. Lol
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Ninjas and such

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PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 7:28 am

Well... Yeah Sad

No, in all fairness, 90 views, not bad on this site.

Checking around, 90 views is pretty impressive infact. Only important threads or application threads really have more views.

Heh, I feel so loved.
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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Good Show.   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 7:00 pm

Really nicely done story. I would love to hear more about Chris. He seems like an interesting character, I also am in one or two of your diary entries as well.
Good Show.
Keep going man.
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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2011 5:55 am

What Pharius said. Good Diary. I would make one but I have too many characters and couldn't be assed. Really good job though. Will continue to read if you keep making them.
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Relating to Chris Leyland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2011 8:16 am

And i'm to lazy to write one. monkey pig santa cherry farao king afro

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PostSubject: Re: Relating to Chris Leyland   Relating to Chris Leyland Icon_minitime

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