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 The Resistance

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The Resistance Empty
PostSubject: The Resistance   The Resistance Icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 10:33 pm

The Resistance Work.7572897.1.sticker,220x200-pad,220x200,f8f8f8.half-life-lambda-v1

The Resistance is, unlike many other organizations, composed of small cells, rather than a centralized structure with one leader. The Resistance are wherever the Combine are, in Cities, in sewers, in the outlands, anywhere.

I'll finish this later - Kotov [Edit: I think nawt. -Subject]

-What is the Resistance?

The Resistance organization is an operation consisting of many, many members, some not even known to other resistance. The fact of the matter is, anyone can join the Resistance, as it is not a group with a leader. It mostly consists of normal citizen's, who have been pushed over the edge of society and wish to take a stand for what they believe is right. The Resistance members aim to do many different things.. Some wish to preserve humanity, others wish to try and fight off the combine, and start a reveloution. But all of these things end in the same way, the death of million's.

-The Symbol.

The symbol of the Resistance is a lambda, now you may be asking "Symbol? Subject, I thought the resistance had no leader, who invented this symbol, and why do the resistance tend to use it often?". Well let me tell you: After the events of the Black Mesa incident Dr.Breen contacted the combine empire through a strange frequency he had picked up, soon after Gordon launched his little rocket into space. This, was the event that brought the combine to earth, and why they appointed Dr.Breen administrator of human affairs. The scientific research group Dr.Breen had worked with to contact the combine, The "Lambda Research Team", obviously didn't enjoy hearing this. It is said the lambda team were the first to resist the combine, soon after Gordon had vanished, and the Combine arrived on earth. To make this official, they decided to create a symbol that would give hope out to the many citizen's still under the combines control. The Lambda was created, and the research team took many casualties, the group was said to have been wiped out completely. Although many Resistance member's still use this symbol, in an effort to give off the same hope to others, that it had given to them when they had first seen it.


I said earlier that the Resistance has no leader. In some cases this is true, now if you are in a "Resistance Cell" It is different. Cells tend to be common among the Resistance. Your specific cell may have a few rules, and if you don't obey them, the 'Leader' (If the group is to have one) will usually punish you.
There is not much to say about Resistance Cells, since each one has their own rules, guidelines, and suggestions. But one thing is for sure, they are all fighting for the same thing.. Right?.. RIGHT?! Wrong, not /EVERY/ Resistance Cell is fighting for the same thing, some fight to overthrow the combine, and take the city, others fight to preserve humanity, and protect citizen's, and some even fight the citizen's themselves in an attempt to retrieve tokens, or weapon's.
These thieves are known to the Resistance as "False Resistance", people who wear the armband and the suit, but rob, or kill citizen's for simple items.


Yes, suppliers. The ones who supply the Resistance, and others, with contraband items, imported straight from the outland's.. Or some other strange location.
Supplier's tend to be in with the "Black Market" Another operation that resides in many places. This is possibly the key thing to any resistance operation, or cell. Everyone wants one, everyone need's one. Suppliers are capable of bringing in real food, such as Melons, or chinese, Ammunition for weapon's, some melee weapons, and possibly, firearms, and clothing such as jeans or white-T's. For more information concerning the Black Market Operation, visit the Black Market thread.

-The Suit.

The Resistance Uniform, possibly the one thing any resistance member wants to get their hands on. This uniform is made with padded Clothing, metal plating, a lambda armband, a Kevlar vest, two tactical Metro police issue Belts, and two backpacks for storage. The Suit is the true symbol of the Resistance, and can put you in alot of trouble if seen wearing it. Anyone caught by the CCA with this suit, will recieve an immediate Amputation (PK). Wanna know how to make one? Visit the Resistance Suit thread.

-Now you know.

Yes, you now know how the Resistance Operation works, sometimes in secret, sometimes roughly.. The Resistance are a big problem for the CCA, as there are many members, and it is a always growing operation. They fight for freedom, for civil rights, and for a better life.

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