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 <||Criminal Activites and Punishments||>

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PostSubject: <||Criminal Activites and Punishments||>   <||Criminal Activites and Punishments||> Icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 10:21 pm

When living in on a planet governed by an totalitarian alien empire spanning mutliple Universes, you can be pretty sure that there is a lot of things you are not allowed to do.

The below passasages are taken from the CCA Field Guide

SECTION 2A - Criminal and Anti-Civil activities - TRC: 23456

Running or jumping, any uncivillized way of self-transportation
Audio-violations, including swearing or derogatory comment on a Union Offical or the Union itself
Non-standard clothing, items not issued by the CCA or UU
Civil Inaction, Failure to notify the CCA of uncivil activites
Assault, Assault on a Citizen or CCA Unit
UPA, Unlawful pro-creative activities
Malcompliance, failure to obey a CCA Unit

Anti-Union proaganda, the act of posting of, or being in possesion of, distasteful propaganda
Class B vandalisim, damaging property, such as stores
Intoxication, Intoxication from alcoholic beverages, and possesion of alcohol
Armed Assault, Assault with a melee weapon

Class A vandalisim, damaging Union property, such as scanners
Indentification Failure, failure to attend a Block Indentification Check
Civil Misconduct, distributing contraband throughout the Civillian Populace
Unlawful Amputation, attempted, threatened or actual amputation of a CCA Unit or Civillian

Political Assasination, attempted, threatened or actual amputation of a City Administrator
Breach of City Safety, attempted, threatened or actual creation of entrances into and out of the City

Unauthorized Foodstuffs, Edibles such as melons, chinese takeaway, and canned beans
Unauthorized Beverages, Beverages such as bottled water and soda
Non-Standard Clothing, items of clothing other than the standard Citizen uniform, including jackets, hats, etc.
Paracetamol, a simple painkiller. Note that if the person in possesion has a medical licence or a written perscription it is allowed
Steroids, simple steroids. Note that if the person in possesion has a medical licence or a written perscription it is allowed
Anti-Depressants, simple anti-depressants. Note that if the person in possesion has a medical licence or a written perscription it is allowed

Unauthorized Writings, Any book other than the Zen of the Union
Unauthorized Alcoholic Beverages, Beverages such as beer and water
Propaganda, Anti-Union propaganda
Unauthorized Technology, Any technology other than a single TV Monitor
Medical Vials, Universal Union Bio-gel containers

Communications Technology, Handheld and Stationary radios, and unauthorized Request Devices
Unauthorized Weaponry, Weapons such as axes, hammers, bats and crowbars
Mechanical Devices, Any device other than a single small TV monitor
Union Zipties, Ties that are used by the CCA to search and detain Citizens
Firearms ammunition, Ammunition for any weapon
Resistance Uniforms, A uniform worn by various Anti-Citizens

GRADE ONE CONTRABANDUnauthorized Light Firearms Pistols that use a standard 9mm round, and flash and smoke grenades
Unauthorized Medium Firearms, Common weaponry such as MP7s and pistols that use a round other than a standard 9mm round
Unauthorized Heavy Firearms, Rarer weaponry such as sniper rifles, M4A1s and AK47's
Unauthorized Super-Heavy Firearms, Weaponry such as RPGs and the OTA AR2
Nova Prospekt Codes, A code book used by the Nova Prospekt Wardens
Combine Lock, A lock that can be activated by CCA, OTA, or UU members
CCA Datapad/PDA, A PDA containing information on the Citizens, and City, as well as other CCA Units

CityWatch, Uplink A direct feed to the CityWatch
Union Vehicles, Possesion of any CCA/OTA vehicle, such as an APC

Grade Three Infraction - Up to a level two beating
Grade Two Infraction - Up to a level three beating and possible detainment of up to 3 cycles
Grade One Infraction - Up to a level four beating and detainment for up to a maximum of 6 cycles, possible amputation
Grade Zero Infraction - Up to a level four beating, detainment, and cauterization
Grade Four Contraband - A level one beating coupled with a fine of up to 50 tokens
Grade Three Contraband - Up to a level two beating coupled with a fine of up to 75 tokens and possible detainment, maximum 2 cycles
Grade Two Contraband - Up to a level four beating coupled with a fine of up to 150 tokens and detainment for up to 4 cycles
Grade One Contraband - Up to a level four beating coupled with a fine of up to 250 tokens and detainment for up to 6 cycles. Possible Amputation or Cauterization
Grade Zero Contraband - Cauterization

One cycle is 5 minuites, so two cycles will be 10, and so on

Level One consists of up to two hits
Level Two consists of up to four hits, enough to leave the recipetent in a daze
Level Three consits of enough damage for a knock out
Level Four consits of enough force to break bones

Amputation - A quick and merciful execution
Cauterization - A long and agonizing execution

Bear in mind that the CCA tend to bend the rules. This is fine, as long as they do not do something stupid like cauterize you for having a melon.
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